Saturday 20 February 2016

Increased motivation of cravings that consistently resurfaces in the mind

To write is to append the cravings of men deep down some sheet that may or maynot exist forever. I want to write; not plays, not autobiographies, not biographies even. But i want to write about real happenings and situations that affects the very essence of human existence.
         Issues....issues. most times i listen attentively looking at materials and happenings that i should build on. Is it death, childbirth, poverty, absence, what about presence. Should i say confusion dwells and pricles the writers soul. That he may write but what should be written about. The writer is in continous search of something...i know about all these because i have been stamped and faced with all this issues gradually blistering my existence.
            How càn i write for i do not know what to append. I would die a death of depravation and unfillment if i dont write. Doestovsky wrote because he found himself in an unpleasant situation when he was faced with capital punishment. It signaled the falling droplets of rain...of an age he did not dim complete. In that predicament of utmost darkness, Doestovsky was faced with a passion that only exhales from an intercourse with death. He wrote strictly and radically against the crime statement. Alot still needs to be appended.


  1. A writer's story's can affect people in ways unimaginable. Write(fight) the good write(fight)

  2. Writing helps you to express yourself beyond your thoughts, in your writings different issues are raised and solutions tend to come in through this you help to heal so many lives and broken hearted beings you give people hope that thy have a better future ahead of them to. I would advise that you look around your environment which is your immediate instrument pick up little or minimal issues and build up on it


Depression sounds like a calm expression, but it is a word that has affected thousands of young people in the 21st generation....