Saturday 12 March 2016

I am black and I do not regret it'✌👍

Hello beautiful people😀,, 
        I just got this little something from my baby sister who's been pestering me to put it up....soooooo I  decided to upload this.


          The hair of a woman is her glory, even the Holy book says so and the good Lord has given unto every race its kind of hair that seems good in His sight. He gave unto the Asians their type of hair, He gave unto the Australians their type of hair. He also gave unto the Americans their type of hair and unto the Africans He gave the kind of hair called the negroid hair.

Its a pity that many Africans particularly Nigerians do not value our negroid hair.
Our African hair is not all we don't value. Many Nigerians don't like the colour of their skin, so they use a lot of lightening creams which have a lot of side effects.

We also don't like our language. We have allowed English to take over our language. We have a generation of youths who can speak polished English but can't speak their mother tongue. The one that baffles me most is when I see Nigerians bearing English and Jewish surnames. For example Sandra Joseph, Blessing Thompson, Blessing, Samuel, David e.t.c. It is not very common to hear Nigerians bear their native names in school. They use their native names at home and are only called such names by relatives. Some people I know feel ashamed to have such names mentioned in the public. Is this not low self esteem? 
Have we finally agreed that other races are superior to us?

Your African hair can be as long and soft as you want it to be if you know how to take better care of it. I am keeping my natural hair and it is very soft and easy to comb.

You can use oils like Shea butter, kernel oil, palm oil, Olive oil, coconut oil and other oils to take care of our hair. For more information on how to take care of your natural Nigerian hair, google it and you'll be amazed on how soft, supple, dark and beautiful our hair can be. I am proud to be a  Nigerian, I am proud to be African. I hope you are.

Every race  is important and diversity should not be a source of conflict but of unity and beauty. We should be proud of who we are whether African, Asian Australian or  American. We are beautiful, we shouldn't try to be someone else, we should stay true to our self and become the best we can be.👆

Ruth bassey.

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Depression sounds like a calm expression, but it is a word that has affected thousands of young people in the 21st generation....