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Saturday, 9 April 2016
Question for today
I came across a play _war of the Tin GOd's_ The story starts with two writers Aki and Aba ostensibly going to the land of the dead to bring back two famed dead writers.
The question is If you were asked to bring back two famed writers from the dead who would there be😒?
I would bring back Mario puzo and Dostovsky. Maybe Ola RotimI.
Friday, 8 April 2016
If you Could live in a bookish world, which one would it be?
While studying on western politics, I came across a post about an admirable figure who
announced that he was cutting back on his public life because it interfered with his
Reading. His reading (you can notice the possessive pronoun, like saying his arm or his
Leg. After reading this, I began to rethink on what reading and the human mind entails.
Alot of people no longer know how to isolate themselves with a book. It's either we watch a
Movie, visit friends, party, play games, gist out,. But we forget that the way our body needs
Food to survive so does our mind need books to operate soundly in our competitive world
According to Carol shields, reading at least since human beings learned to read silently
Requires an extraordinary effort at paying attention, at remaining alert. When we read with
Attention, an inner circuit of the brain is satisfyingly completed. we feel our perceptions
Sharpen and acquire edge. Reading is something that we do only by shinning our full
Awareness on the task. We can cook, clean, listen to music, shop for groceries. But when
We read it demands all of us. The most challenging thing about reading is the major fact
That the black strokes on the white page must be apprehended and translated into ideas
And ideas fitted into patterns, the pattern then shifted and analysed.
They have been really wrong conceptions about "reading" so many young adults do not
Understand what it means to read (I. E) to be curled up with a book in your arm chair. This is
Because lecturers and teachers make it look so advanced to read. They make it seem
Difficult. Reading for me is done in the laziest of moments....when I am stressed and tired
I then pick up a novel to read as a child watches cartoons or plays with toys. It's simple,
Just like eating and playing cards. When I read I see my self In the imperceptible world
A world that is not mine but through reading I ventured. literature on the page allows us
Experience more fully. In reading, we get in touch with our best selves, and I think that
Reading shortens the distance we must travel to discover what our most private
Perceptions are, in fact, universally felt. Reading also sets you beyond your age mates and
Enables you acquire transformative experience.
Thursday, 7 April 2016
Dear national spender,
How can a man spend 400million in two weeks?
Dear national spender,
How are you sir, hope you are doing well? I know the night was cold so I had to kindly shut my window's but with you I hope the electric warmer warmed you to bed. Sir I write this letter first to seek your welfare🙋. Due to all this accusations I wonder if you can really sleep. When you close your eyes how many do you see chasing you. I think I may be one of them but my sincere question is "How do you sleep or can you really sleep. Do you lay in the massive water bed in the comfort of that large plaza reading the papers and laughing with your partners. Does the nature of the present economy haunt you while you sleep or are they just soothing lullaby songs to your ears. If you can stand boldly in front of the blind, deaf, widows, unpaid workers, motherless and fatherless children would you plead sorry or stand numb to their pain. Sir how can you spend 400 million in two weeks who do you think you are. How wish you knew better that all what this segment of people need is a little palm on their back's saying all would be well and a plate of food on their table.
I ask again with an inquisitive soul that needs an answer "please sir can I know what you did with 400 million in two weeks. Did you pay your tithes and offering to God. If you did I know he rejected it with earnestness. How many cars can you buy, how many houses would you live in before you hit death. Do you think a supper in heaven is what you will get....🙇 no sir, you would be judged with thunder and lightening. I believe when that money got to your hands you quickly gave some to people who may never have need for it. Sir did you think of the roads, did you think of the less priviledged ones. Absolute power corrupts absolutely well. You send your children to rich schools......Oxford, campbridge, Leeds, havard and many more. I did not say it's bad oh👋all I ask is with such education impartation, how many use the experience to help in the country. They end up becoming citizens and stay there.
They tell us to respect elders🙏lol...but as I have realised maturity is right inside the mind. But by the way, I chose to address you as sir for I respect your age and disregard your mind. Sir, I hope you really sleep well. I hope you have a good night rest. When it's hot put on the Ac, and when it's cold put on the warmer. Curve into your blankets, get extra warmth for who cares, travel round the world as long as you want. But in your sleep remember "I shall chase you with long knifes and tear gas. I shall run after you until you can't breathe no more. Not just me....for I shall lead a convoy of girls my age round your wealth and we would burn everything down.
Yours sincerely,
From a bitter mind.
Wednesday, 6 April 2016
language diversity and National problem.
I was recently reading an article titled "learning the language" by perrin klass. In the article, she narrated her first 3 months of working in the hospital as a medical student. She said "I picked up not only the specific expressions but also the patterns of speech and the grammatical conventions; for example, you never say that a patient''s blood pressure fell or that his cardiac enzymes rose. Instead, the patient is always the subject of the verb: "He dropped his pressure. "He bumped his enzymes or when chemotherapy fails to cure Mr bacon's cancer, what we say is, "Mr bacon failed chemotherapy."
Her major point expressed in the essay is that the special language contributes to a sense of closeness and professional spirit among people who are under a great deal of stress. It therefore makes practitioners understand themselves effectively and efficiently.
The question becomes " Is language diversity simply the cause of the problem in Nigeria?
How come we have several languages within short distances?
Despite the fact we claim oneness why are people so sentimental about language superiority?
I am not trying to ask for a dominant language in Nigeria. This is because they are things that cannot be unchanged, and better left untouched so as not to release the beast within each individual. Language is magical and tender. At times it thrills me to hear myself using it. It enables me understand my family and friends more effectively. Yet I am so embarrassed that I will never notice the peculiarities and unique senses of one language as keenly as I would love to. What I mean is speaking to every Nigerian with a language that would be strange and useless to strangers who do not understand our culture.
I have noticed in Yoruba audience, a lot of speakers get the attention of the audience when they say a few words In Yoruba. Yoruba''s and Igbo''s easily Identify to their individual languages than they do to other's. When words are spoken in their languages something magical and extraordinary spreads far and wide. Immediately everyone begins to communicate within themselves and at that point you hear the most sincere laughter and chuckles which even the birds may never give. That is language, it expresses one's fears, joy, opinions and experiences. Just say "kedu"to an Igbo man and you identify intimately with him. Or "Ba oni" to a Yoruba man, you are good to go. I think this is quite different when it comes to Cross River State where there is no central language. To every new local government, a language springs forth. I know this because my mom''s village happens to be minutes away from my dad''s but it's so funny that their languages are so different.
This brings me to my main point where I say "Nigerians would never be able to Identify with one another as far as our languages are divergent and not linked to one cultural line" someone may then ask what about "English language". I would then say no matter how much we master English language it would never be ours. A language must be linked with a certain cultural heritage and most be identified by all. As for "English" a lot can identify English to the colonial period.which wasn't a nice period for African''s at large. Till date we still witness the extinct cruelty of colonialism. But a language which everyone knows and do not need expertise for mastery.
What if Nigeria had one language would things have turned differently,
Kindly drop your comments.
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