Wednesday 29 June 2016

''Hillary's decision in a male dominated world poses great strength to women''

 I was doing a brief study on America and women's right. While I was doing that I came across ''the vote passed on conferring right to vote upon the women in the united states''. This is what a senator Joseph Emerson Brown said;
 I think the mental and physical structure of the sexes, of itself, sufficiently demonstrates
 the fact that the sterner, more laborious, and more difficult duties of society are to be performed
 by the male sex; while the more delicate duties of life, which requires less physical strength, and
 the proper training of Youth, with the proper discharge of domestic duties, belong to the female
 sex. Nature has so arranged that the male sex cannot attend properly to the duties assigned by
 the law of nature to the Female sex, and the male sex cannot discharge the more rigorous duties
  required by the male sex.

I wish he stayed alive a little more to see a woman contest strongly with a man like Donald Trump. Hillary's choice to run for the American's presidency has given the women of this generation hope that things are gonna get better.. I mean real hope. America has survived under 44 presidents but in isolation of a woman. Here Hillary makes me believe I can thread were no one has threaded. James Emerson's reason for not voting for women in America to vote has proved vile because in recent times Women have risen up to fight both radically and liberally. There have forgotten were the male sex has relegated them. So many women have picked up arms to wars and have done excellently well. The overwhelming thing about it all is that women have learned to balance the duties at home and what the world got to offer.
 So, they should be no reason for staying back and withholding yourself from what the world has to offer. Go out and rule.


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Depression sounds like a calm expression, but it is a word that has affected thousands of young people in the 21st generation....