Hello everyone,
My last post on ''Understanding Extremism through Violence" arose questions from the minds of deep readers. Some said I was been sentimental and all. In this post I choose to write my reasons for the previous post.
The rapid rise of what is known as "Islamic Extremism" with its penchant for Defiance, resentment, and violence has its roots in the history of the Muslim sense of decline and its happy encounter with the dominant west.
So it was in September 11. Even before more than 4,000 people died in less than 2hours, there were farewell messages from the sky. In their last minute, doomed passengers used cell phones to reach loved ones. A short time later, office workers trapped high in the burning towers called spouses, children, and parents. Never had so many the means to say goodbye. During the hours afterward, the survivors scrambled to make contact with family and friends.
Its sobering to remind ourselves how frequently the middle east as one part of the Muslim world has been visited by waves of violence in its recent history. Since the end of the 2nd world war the area extending from Egypt and Turkey in the west to Afghanistan in the north west and Yemen in the south has suffered at least ten major wars and that's not counting the U.s engagement in Afghanistan after September 11. Causalities have run into millions, populations has been uprooted, societies turn up by their roots political structures demolished. I could go on and on about their empowerment through violence. I do not believe that one would ever write a post on Islamic Extremism without being sentimental. Sentimentalism remains relative. How can all this happen without one running mad while writing. This was my major reason to write my previous post.
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