Friday 24 June 2016

''What religious people do to sound like free thinkers''

Hello everyone,,
   Do no preface your response with
 ''One of my best friends is a Muslim or a Christian'' because it makes no difference and no one
  cares because you can have a Christian or a Muslim friend and do segregation stuff.
   Do not even claim that my great-great grand Uncle was a Muslim or Christian.
    believe in peace and harmony. ''You cannot force someone to love you more than they choose to'
    same as you can't make anyone accept your views on an issue';
    Accepting one's position while keeping your views does not make you a free thinker''
    All it makes you do is compromise. Stick to your views. when telling someone what you believe in,
     you got to do it maturely while isolating strife. If they choose to disagree, you let matters die.


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Depression sounds like a calm expression, but it is a word that has affected thousands of young people in the 21st generation....