Tuesday 26 July 2016


1.Blue whales heart is the size of a VW Beetle and that you could swim through some of its arteries.

Blue whales heart is the size of a VW Beetle and that you could swim through some of its arteries. 


2.Half of all humans who have ever lived, died from malaria.

Half of all humans who have ever lived, died from malaria.


 3.Fold over a piece of paper 42 times and it will reach the moon


Fold over a piece of paper 42 times and it will reach the moon 

4.Pirates wear eye patches so that they can see in the dark.

 Pirates wear eye patches so that they can see in the dark.

 5.When your mother was born, she was already carrying the egg that would become you.


When your mother was born, she was already carrying the egg that would become you. 

6. A tree is the opposite of your lungs. Physically and functionally.


A tree is the opposite of your lungs. Physically and functionally. 


If you put all the earth’s ants in one pile, and all the earth’s humans in another pile, the pile made of ants would be bigger (have more mass)

If you put all the earth's ants in one pile, and all the earth's humans in another pile, the pile made of ants would be bigger (have more mass).


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Depression sounds like a calm expression, but it is a word that has affected thousands of young people in the 21st generation....