Hello everyone,,
One of the reasons the plight of the women has been an issue to remedy is that it's not easy to change a man's mind about a woman's place in the world. No matter what you do, Legislation might be passed or public policy might change. The fact still remains you can't change the mindset of men. A lot of us spend so much time on the social media arguing and getting angry when silly comments and ideas about women come forth. But I say why waste your time protesting...Do their opinions really matter. It doesn't because one's opinion about oneself matters more than what the world may think.
The myths on women include:
Inferior to men, second class citizens.
objects for sensual gratification alone.
weak; incapable of having strength.
lacking in intelligence and therefore having nothing to contribute to the society.
The personal property of men, the equivalent of cattle.
personal servants, whose purpose is to meet the needs of their masters.
Domestic slaves, to be used as desired.
Objects to be passed around until finished with, and then discarded.
Deserving abuse
The following are Myths attributed to the existence of womanhood. Really its your choice to accept it or denounce its strength. Women are generally attributed as inferior but all I know is that Inferiority begins with a person's mind accepting its reality. Most of the problems we attribute to dominance by men are problems inherent in our nature. A lot of women got to work on themselves before attributing their weaknesses to men. The problem of women as Objects for sensual gratification is our problem not theirs. ''A lot of women can sell their bodies in cheap musical videos to be paid peanuts'' How then do you expect anyone to take you serious. So many concern has been raised on this subject but If all the women who engage in these act choose to redirect their steps then a major battle would be won.
No matter how long we protest equality and all, many things can't work out unless we work on ourselves. A lot of women do not work hard anymore cause they believe that their bodies can make waves for them...After writing an exam you settle the male gender you seek equality with your bodies.. later on, You say men don't take you serious. How serious do you want them to take you?
I believe without out reasonable that any war can be won through a deep sense of understanding. It remains that many do not understand what they seek and argue over. For women who really Understood have not only become equals with men but have ruled over them. I mean this war must be understood from the perspective that arguing and quarreling about Women's right is not the way to go about it. But realizing without protesting unnecessarily '''That You ARE EQUAL TO ANY MAN''.
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