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 PHILADELPHIA — Hillary Clinton used the Olympics again to hit Donald Trump at a rally here Tuesday, arguing that his campaign is driven by "fear" and "pessimism," which is "exactly the opposite" of the ongoing games in Rio.

"Team USA is showing the world what this country stands for. I am proud of our team," she told the small crowd assembled in a high school gym for a voter registration event.

"Can you imagine Michael Phelps or Simone Biles or all these other great American athletes in their locker rooms saying: 'Well I don't know. I am to afraid to go out and compete'? No, they get out there, they compete, they do their best, they demonstrate the kind of spirit that we want from all Americans," she said.
Beyond that, Clinton also slammed Trump on his economic plan, arguing that his tax "loophole" would only help him and his wealthy friends. She knocked him on national security as well, repeating similar lines that Vice President Joe Biden used at their joint appearance in Scranton on Monday.

"It's not just that he doesn't know what he's talking about. That's bad enough, but what he often says hurts us. It sends the wrong message to friend and foe alike in the world," the former secretary of state said of the Republican nominee.
And though she said she felt confident about the current state of the race, Clinton urged the crowd not to become complacent, echoing President Obama's remarks at a fundraiser for her campaign Monday night on Martha's Vineyard.

"Don't be complacent, my friends," she warned. "Even though we're doing fine right now, I'm not taking anyone, anywhere for granted."