Thursday 25 August 2016

Lets Kill religion....

Hello my favourite readers,
I apologize for my silence, and  I promise to be more active on posting. Religion is always gonna be a trap...I mean a dangerous trap to people who practice it. I know what I mean when I say it. A lot of people merge their  naturalist extreme behaviors with their religious belief which ought not be so. What has religion got to do, I ask again. The Hausa's who claim that western education is 'Haram' eat salad more than any part of the country in Nigeria. Is that not western food? They also convey themselves from place to place making use of western technology. But the extremists among them have picked up arms screaming "HARAM" "HARAM".

What about the Christians? We all criticize movies that do not portray our mere Christian values, but yet, an average Nigerian would never or barely watch Christian movies. Pick up a Christian movie and watch, you would realize the hypocritical nature of the: script writer, the director, and virtually everyone who participates in the production. A hug is carried out 2 miles away from their bodies, but really, when it comes to reality it becomes the opposite. They heighten the elements of their  Christian faith. A man would have quoted 20-30 scriptures without misplacing any word or paraphrasing....why in reality, it's far from that. So, why would I waste my time and money purchasing movies filled with hypocrites.

Christianity is a personal relationship with the master....the word personal qualifies the sentence. You get 'personal'. It's not a group commitment. It's not a race done with your friends. It's a one-on-one relationship with Jesus, in order to be conformed to his image.  If you like put on that sarf that sweeps the ground, cover your body from the crown of your head to the sole of your feet, put a 50 miles distance between you and the opposite sex....If you do not know the master you may never escape doom.

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Depression sounds like a calm expression, but it is a word that has affected thousands of young people in the 21st generation....