I am not scared of criticism because if I am not criticized, then I make no sense. They tell us religious extremism started with the birth of Islam...lets accept this until I tell you why. Others say it started with a mild mutation in its doctrine called ''Wahhabism'' which is an ultra conservative Saudi brand of Islam that is gaining adherents around the world. It excludes women from full participation in their societies, promotes religious intolerance e.t.c..
That's the problem ''women', ''women'' and ''women''. I must say, religious extremism happened because of the fear and anger of the genetic fierceness of women. You got to believe me when I say this...''These men are scared of what we would have become or what we would become''.
If you doubt me no arguments, just state your reasons. Why dint there end at religious intolerance, and advocation of terror and violence ...Why must women be part of it all. Something is wrong somewhere.
Maybe Osama Ben laden must have fallen totally in love with a beautiful women who let him hang down the tree...Check it out. It must have also been a blonde American women, I say this because of his extinct hatred for the Western world. Forget about westernization, civilization and more bull shit like that. Its only a woman who can make men drop down their tray of peace and pick up arms..''Accept it or leave it, Religious Extremism happened because of one man's failed relationship with a woman''
Go to Saudi Arabia, you would see what am talking about. In Arab you would see an elegantly dressed woman who speaks excellent English with amiable potentials in strict Isolation known as ''Purdah'', Never seen by men outside her immediate family. She had to be fully Veiled on the rare occasions she left her base. If her husband has an inauguration or a function she watched him on TV. When you want to see her you got to be accompanied by Female aides. What's the problem with women speaking, Why don't they let females speak... Are they scared of something.
In the christian world its still there covered with hungry cobwebs right down the pole. No one can see it but it's alive and real. Let's wait until a woman becomes head of any Christian association. ''We are incapable there would say and they got women problems'' They got no blood down their streams to handle tough responsibilities'' I would tell you, ask Hillary Clinton, and our dearly beloved Mary Slessor- they would say, we got blood gushing down our streams.
Are they afraid of what would be said, Are they afraid of what we would become....Think on these things.
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