Welcome to the month of August.

Under the sun, the race is not for the swift nor battle to the strong, but to them that put their trust in God. The fore-going statement sums up the life of our distinguished Senator Victor Ndoma-Egba.
In an era where it is no longer clear what service and what disservice to ones people is, he has committed to live up to his avowed commitment to his people.
In his word;
The opportunity for public service is the ultimate honor
a people can bestow on a person. My Covenant with you
is service, service and even more service.
The commitment is self evident in the quality representation at the senate of the federal republic of Nigeria. His erudite presentation of matters on the floor of the senate affecting the well being of Nigerians is known beyond the shores of the country. His scholarship programme which started in the 80's until today is equal to no individual effort in his state.
The former senate leader does not take the people and God's favor for granted. Victor as he is fondly called has give succor to countless. This is so, whether in time of illness, pains, or any adversity. This is evident in the financial help and personal visits to those in despair.
In an era where politicians have made a show of those who have received from them, Victor has given without humiliating beneficiaries.
The senate leader has lived up to the charge of president J.F. Kennedy when he told Americans ''Ask not what your country can do for you but ask what you can do for your country.
His contribution has exceeded our boldest Imagination. His potent and illuminating career is a source of threat to his critics and foes who dislike him more for what he will become- they fear his dreams and visions.
Congrats Uncle Victor.
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