Saturday 3 September 2016

Does Donald Trump stand a chance with his rapid change on racial insensitivity.

Someone once said that 4 months is a lot of time to change a lot of things in American politics. Trump who has campaigned for president as a blunt provocateur, dismissing complaints of racial insensitivity as political correctness, took an uncharacteristic step on Saturday: He visited a black church for the first time and tried to blend in.

Trump may have certainly become wiser in order to get for himself votes from the black community. But I may ask what sought of transformation can make a typical racist who has disliked blacks from the start suddenly take on an impressive turn. His company has even been charged against the discrimination of blacks. In remark he said:
“I fully understand that the African-American community has suffered from discrimination and that there are many wrongs that must still be made right,” Mr. Trump said, adding: “For any who are hurting: Things are going to turn around. Tomorrow will be better.”

There must be something more political about his rapid change than a part on sincerity. I may accept "4 month is a really long time in American politics to change a lot of things".

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