Tuesday 13 September 2016

Society has more to do with masculinity.

When a question like do women have it better than men comes up...I wonder what the intention of the audience maybe. The answer might be that women have it better than men, and it is the fear of such an answer that keeps men nervously posing the question in the first place. It's like me throwing a  question that goes "am I a woman". why should I throw such a question  when I  am solely aware that I am a woman due to my biological makeup. So, when men throw that question it only shows that they may be scared of something.

Freud ascribed to women a problem he called "penis envy". I've become aware that the feelings, and motives I ascribe to others tell me little about them but much about myself, for I am projecting my own feelings and motives into them. What about ascription and projection...so, Freud may have been suffering from "womb envy".

My question seems really easy, what has the male fox ever derived  by reducing the status of women in our society. Really, I do not believe women have it more than men. In various ways they have it very bad indeed.  They are raped, battered, abandoned to bring up their kids in obscurity. If  Freud one of the world's greatest psychologists could reduce the problem of women to "penis envy" then what else do we have to say.

Our little male kids have been made to believe in male power and rights which ends up devaluing women. They are taught not to wash plates, sweep around, or help their sisters with feminine chores. Whats that?. Why can't they help their mom in the kitchen?.  I think the best of men are those that balance the emotional and the physicality of their existence.

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Depression sounds like a calm expression, but it is a word that has affected thousands of young people in the 21st generation....