Thursday 15 September 2016

The tyranny of makeup and female Authenticity.

I strongly believe commentary on makeup and it's abuse should be handled by ladies alone. This I say because men can't and would never understand the insecurities a woman faces in the absence of its application. All they may say is "I cannot marry a woman who makes excessive use of makeup and lacks the self confidence". So, silence on this issue might be best. Last week, after Hillary Clinton's performance on NBC, Reince Priebus chairman of the Republican National committee, took to twitter to chastise her for not smiling. What crap? After they would say gender discrimination is a thing of the past. She frowned and so?

A longtime ago, definition of beauty and it's meaning appears to have been different from what applies today. Recently, a reasearch was carried out, and 400 women of which 15% of women said they had some sought of plastic surgery. The major cause of its spread a lot may not be aware of. Does it have to do with the tyranny of the society against women. In the African society of which I am solely a part of, a lot of men find their wives unattractive as soon as she tastes the juice of motherhood. You know what I mean. How often does this affect the esteem of women. Could this be the reason women undergo surgery. How could this be? when younger women around ages 20-30 engulf their bodies in it.

Fashion has been said to be self-expression, while makeup is self-absorption. The act of immersing yourself so widely into its extreme power to a level that existing without it brings about dislocation from reality. Someone said, when women start applying makeup as pre-teenagers, she said "by adulthood, that mindless habit can result in a mask we do not even know we're wearing until Alicia Keys decides to remove hers in public. I do not criticize it's application but I disdain it's pernicious ability into the destruction of a woman's definition of what beauty really is.

We all have choices to make, and no one has the right to put you through what makes you happy and what doesn't. Happiness is relative and so are ones choices. Putting on makeup and absorbing yourself in it happens to be your choice and no one else. If makeup makes you feel confident than you do; then do it. But if it makes you feel less of who you are, take out that time to discover who you are. What drives you. What makes you happy. Life is too short to scrabble in things that  doesn't make sense. Take a deep breath and realize that you are damn beautiful. With or without makeup you are just always win. Strong and macho you can withstand shit.

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