Monday 19 September 2016

What has religion got to do 3

Few days ago, I attended a Sunday service where an anointed woman of God preached. So, as she preached she continually raised her voice which is supposed to be  common among preachers who have been so taken away by the spirit. I began to hear whispers around me critiquing the fact she raises her voice. Really, I thought "if a male preacher raises his voice it's gonna be okay, it's just gonna be referred to as the structural normality of his manhood". rubbish.  

I think women raising their voices in public places is not a feminist issue but a fem-masc issue. The reason being that it's not just a problem for the men alone but the women. For the women who have problems with other women raising their voices in public places to emphasize what they feel have kept quiet for so long so it's strange when others deviate. Right in the church we still have traditionalists who believe that a woman should be conservative, soft-spoken, tender, reserved, fake, a pleasure to a man and men alone. It's a pity that Mary-Magdelene screamed twice in the scripture "he's alive, Jesus has risen, He's alive. The woman with the Alabaster box of oil isn't properly identified but in the presence of men "she washed the feet of my lord with her tears. If the woman was supposed to be quiet why did she defy  the gathering of men to kiss the feet of my lord. What about the woman jesus met at the well in Samaria, she screamed;  "you all, come and see a man who told me everything about myself". Finally, what about the woman who was to be stoned,  jesus saved her immensely and brought down the the structural normality of the man's power over the woman. Why should the woman be stoned? where was the man in the picture.

No one can change the hands of time. No one can change the wave of the annointing of the Holy Spirit. If the lord is making use of women thanks be to he  Who has defyed what men thought was normal, and he has picked up the stone which the builder rejected. Think on these things. 

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Depression sounds like a calm expression, but it is a word that has affected thousands of young people in the 21st generation....