Tuesday 1 November 2016

"Breast aren't what makes us women"

The inchoate decision to "go flat"  After mascetomies opposes already - existing assumptions about feminism and what it means to recover after breast cancer. A doctor chided a patient who wanted to stay without going under reconstruction,   "How can you walk around like that? You look deformed". But it's that kind of talk suggesting that a reconstructed breast makes a woman more of woman".

I must ask, what then makes a woman, woman. Is it based on the definition of her sexuality or her physicality. Is it the presence or the absence of her breast. Or is it solely based on the peculiarity and individuality of her soul. They forget that "the nerves of the newly reconstructed breast are cut, so they're not receptive to feel or touch. But really, "Feminism goes beyond the presence or absence of breast, but the strength to move on in whatever situation".

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Depression sounds like a calm expression, but it is a word that has affected thousands of young people in the 21st generation....