Monday 9 March 2020

Redifintion of my Blog

Hello guys,
       It's been over three years I came up here and really its been such a long time. Things have changed and a lot has happened that has changed my life forever. Time is a fantastic little bell that reminds us that we have but few seconds and minutes that hinges us all up to the world. Notwithstanding, we all are going to face really tough and hard situations that would try immensely to cripple our very being. Initially we would begin by cringing and folding our feet to hide miles away from what has come to temper with the innate peace we once had. subtly, our inner conquerors spirit would plunge out big time to aid us withstand it all; but the question is would we help it or kill that voice that is ready to help us stand firm and tough.

     welcome back to Minka's blog. I would be redefining every detail of my blog this new year; Topics would range from things that would make you laugh and cry almost at the same time. Create time and visit every evening and remain inspired!!!

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Depression sounds like a calm expression, but it is a word that has affected thousands of young people in the 21st generation....