Wednesday 2 March 2016

Do women really have souls?

Some theologians have asked
"If women have a soul"
Several scientists were ready to refuse them a human intelligence.

What education and enlightenment does  to a man is "It makes men want to be heard". How can a group of people exist in a world like ours without having a metaphysical experience.
I really wonder what their motif was?....where they actually trying to compare the existence of women to that of animals because it's so certain animals do not have souls. I am not trying to bring up sentiments but can a question like this be asked without provoking feminist movements.
               Specifically, in most cultures men occupy most or all positions of power, which is why those cultures are called patriarchal cultures. In patriarchy, women suffer varying degrees of oppression depending on race, ethnicity, socio-economic class, religion, and sexual orientation. Feminism would like to achieve a society in which women and men are encouraged to fulfill their full potential as human beings regardless of  the extent to which their abilities and inclinations differ from traditional definitions of feminity and masculinity.
                    for I really believe, feminism either liberal or the  radical form would have never existed if men and women where aware of their roles in the society. There is an amount of misinterpetation about feminism. So many women who claim to be feminists do not even understand the purpose behind this movement. They go arond calling themselves feminists, and blaming their plights on the men. It is generally believed that feminism is directly opposed to family values. But people and so called feminists are not aware that feminists continue to struggle for better family policies such as; nutrition and health care for mothers and children. For a healthly opinion on feminism, we all need to adjust to the idea that feminism is a form of human-rights activism and not unhealthy struggle between women and men.
              During the 19th century, victorian patriarchy promoted "the cult of true womanhood" a concept that tagged women to be fragile, submissive, and sexually pure. They also relegated women to be at home and protested that all this made her more womanly. I also believe that race also affects feminists ideology. For example, some African American Feminists pointed out that the Victorian definition of womanhood excludes women who fend for themselves and are prey to sexual harassment. Gradually, women have gone beyond the Victorian conception of woman hood and have continued to break barriers.
     In this post, all I try to do is explain vividly what real feminist movement means.


  1. Nice, the fact still remains that everyone has a soul.revelations and back from the dead real life occurrences have attested to this fact.... It will be lovely if we can always leave comments on each others blog. Checkout mine.

    1. Yea everyone does...but they weren't smart enough to realise women also do. Sure would check out your blog.


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