Monday 27 June 2016

Bleaching and psychological disorder.

 Hello viewers,
          I know quite alright that one's decision is one's choice. But They could be no better reason for bleaching than ''a sense of low self esteem. You may or may not have realized your esteem issues but its there. Hiding in very little cubicles right in the middle of your heart. Bleaching isn't relative but it is done by the both sexes...Don't be surprise guys bleach. I have met dozens. I do not know why a person would go to the market in order to buy materials which would aid in the altering of the pigment that gives the skin its coloration....The Melanin. Some do not even care of the adverse effect but they just wanna look attractive. May I ask attractive to whom really. You are black...enjoy it, love it, cherish  it, adore and get creams to aid the skin and not destroy it.

I mean... they is nothing as beautiful as looking at a really black woman who is confident within herself. It Just has something juicy...creamy and ice creamy. I met a dark girl who turned out to be my friend Tomi Atiolola, she happens to be ebony dark and the most beautiful girl I may have met. So bleaching does not make any one adorable. Maybe the glow of bleaching could take you through Youth but what about during old age. When that skin begins to wrinkle and age with time. When we overwork our bodies, we may not notice the consequences but in time we would.

Hey ladies,,,Black, dark, fair, or whatever you are beautiful,, I mean really beautiful. look deep down that gold plated heart of yours and you may realize that you believe in yourself more than it seems.


  1. I always knew u'd do this! Great job.. This is absolutely amazing!

    1. Thanks B..You remain the best of them all.

  2. good turns to bad and feels awesome,that's what happens to those who bleach, i mean there feel so pretty not knowing how bad there look, i have one in my office i believe she regrets her choice on change of skin complexion

    1. lol...That's right. They use all those expensive stuff not knowing they are destroying its potency


Depression sounds like a calm expression, but it is a word that has affected thousands of young people in the 21st generation....