Monday 27 June 2016

''Does the length of your skirt determine the strength of your relationship with God''

Hello everyone..
            This question always makes me puzzle and it may have made you ponder in time...''Does the length of your skirt determine the strength of your relationship with God'' I may give a quick answer than expected.....I say no. A lot of potential Christians get to hear the rules before the rewards. Christianity is and would never be a religion filled up with regulations and obligations. ''Thou shall put on a skirt 8 inches below your knees, Thou shall not put on earrings, Thou shall  not, and Thou shall not''. Its simply a religion based on a personal relationship with the creator. So many older Christians excellently succeed in pushing away new Christians because of all this obligations. Do not get me wrong, I am not trying to support indecent dressing or of that sought....All I try to do here is to make you all know that If you like eh.....put on skirts 17 inches below your knees it doesn't change anything. If you like oh.....cover or uncover you hair that does not matter. For the bible says Except a man be born again he cannot see the Kingdom of God.

What matters is your relationship with God. You do not need to go around judging people based on their decisions but look into yourself. The problem with Nigerians is that they care about how others look and act than their own selves. Quit looking at others and take a good look at yourself. How does God see me, Does he even know me or does he just overlook my existence. Christianity is more personal than we would ever know. This is because you would be judged in Isolation of every other person. All your Friends that make you take terrible decisions would never be there to explain that it wasn't really your idea but theirs.

Think about it,,,, The length of ones skirt does not determine the strength of ones relationship with God. 

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Depression sounds like a calm expression, but it is a word that has affected thousands of young people in the 21st generation....