Our people are ebbing away like a rapidly receding tide.... I will not dwell on, nor mourn our ultimate decay, nor reproach our paleful brothers with hastening it, as all too may have been some what to blame.
You may be surprise that Nigerians abroad dissociate from having any form of relationship with the country. For the only thing that makes its fact blurry is that Race is not Geno type but Phenotype. Its what people see not what you claim. You black, You black. You light skin, You light skin. That's fact. It doesn't matter If your mother's white but If the color of your skin speaks forth black.....You black. Ask Obama, he will tell you race got nothing to with any of your relative been white.
During the 70's and 80's Nigeria was regarded as developing rapidly. It was recognized widely because of its fast rising economy and the level at which Nigerians were willingly to go to school. At that period a Naira to a dollar lacked the massive difference we see today. But along the way something happened. What happened no one may be able to describe...for History has been tempered by people who had access to its documentation. At this point, Nigeria began to dwindle. It may have been the excesses of the politicians. It may have been the over exertion on the economic policy. I may not be sure but all am sure of right here is that ''the Image of Nigerians became ruptured Internationally''. No one wants to claim any form of relationship with the country because of its fast decline leading from Its corrupt practices.
Its not their fault that they try to disassociate but our fault. Everyone's fault. Its definitely not the fault of any administration. For we have contributed to its decline both directly or indirectly. Have you taken bribe, Have you inflated the prices of goods and services, Have you taken part in fraud of any kind. So much more. But pointing hands at anyone is pointless. Change has to begin right in the consciousness of every Nigerian. If not, that change we look forward to may just end up a mirage.
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