Saturday 9 July 2016

Poem for the day #

 I have been a tree with branches
Torn I have; between good and evil
may I live or die
Decide Ye now....
How can one be good
How can one be evil
Decide Ye now.

I have been like oil on water
Oil I am; water there are
mix it up..mix it Ye
shake it...look deeper. ye look
I arise immune
For I canst be mixed.

For what hath light got to do with darkness
For none exists in the presence of the other

I have been a tree with branches
I have been oil on water
I have been the sun in the absence of dark.
Torn I have between good and evil
but I choose light
look deep..look deeper
For I remain immune. 


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Depression sounds like a calm expression, but it is a word that has affected thousands of young people in the 21st generation....