Hello Everyone,,,
I have been off for sometime, and I apologize for my absence. I still remain thankful to those who take out time to read my posts may God bless You.
I have realized that a lot of preachers aren't gender sensitive. I attended a church programme earlier this week and I listened attentively to the Pastors prophesies while addressing a mixed congregation; he said ''By this time next week You'll all be settled in your husband's houses, I then waited patiently for him to go vice versa..but it went all down. I began to think why did he stop there, why dint he go a little bit further to say....''and you would be happily married to your wives''. I want to tell you guys We aren't anxious about the whole marriage thing. You can't just slap it on our faces like we are all anxious waiting for a miracle. When the issue of marriage comes up in singles outreach it gets to me that all the major points are directed at the ladies. I now see why the men think they are all alright and ready...or Its just about the money. So, when they get into marriage they mess up and think its all the ladies fault. Think about it. I believe that gender in church should be addressed 50, 50 so that all would get the message.
I believe to an extent we must first and foremost acknowledge that we haven't been completely sanctified of the trans-generational epidemic of the effects of tradition and culture. Yes we may be slightly civilized and partly educated, but there's still that strand of tradition/culture deeply rooted in all our subconscious that once in a while pops up without our knowledge and control to tell us that the lady is an inferior and totally independent gender. You won't blame people who reflect such and ladies who act such. It will take a long while before the footprints of culture and tradition on the shores of civilization is fully washed away. In the mean time, all we keep doing is create the awareness till it takes a sit in our consciousness.
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