Saturday 16 July 2016

Radical muslim vs Radical Christian

Yea am on it again,,,
               It may be getting deeper and faster than we think it is. But yea it's really terrible and horrible that so much is done on extremism. Lots of Christians or Christ believers would scream at the thought of Islamic extremism but I wanna ask a Question can an Islam extremist call you a Christian extremist. I do not mean extremism in the sense of  the absence of jewellery, not putting on trousers, putting on a head gear, or not putting on makeup. But all I ask is how far can you go for your religion to be propagated over the world. Answer, as I answer mine. We could choose to remain angry about the present happenings or build ourselves to withstand the coming storm. How far can you go again for the gospel to be preached.
I have been touched immensely by this post hope it speaks to you.....

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Depression sounds like a calm expression, but it is a word that has affected thousands of young people in the 21st generation....