some of you are saying, ''I am a follower of Paul'',
and others say that they are for Apollo or for peter;
and some that they alone are true followers of Christ.
And so, in effect, You have broken Christ into many pieces
But did I Paul, die for your sins? were any of you baptized in my name?
1 Corinthians 1vs 12.
I do not run a religious blog , but all I would always try to do is address issues that affects humanity in totality. So many religious leaders and followers of Christ seem to have forgotten this particular scripture and have taken to cisterns that do not hold water. Others say I was born Catholic or I was born Redeem so I do not have any relationship with any other place of worship. Cuddles my dear. A lot of Christians disdain places where signs and wonders take place and refer the pastors to Baal worshipers. Are you a demon...For the bible said test all spirits. If you do not have this ability just keep shut. So many seem to forget the basic theology to Church planting...Its simply to meet the needs of people who stay in specific areas and not to create more division. It makes me wonder and ponder why people stop the progress of this mission given by our lord. My dear is it not the same heaven we all want to make. Is not the lord that would judge us all...
Paul said, ''I do not fill my sermons with profound words and high sounding ideas., For fear of diluting the mighty power there is in the simple message of the cross of Christ''. Its very different today, So many religious leaders go against what our early teacher Paul told us. Its extremely simple ''Love God and love your neighbors as you love yourself''. How difficult the message of Christ sounds when it isn't suppose to be so.
If they is trouble at the top what would we do...some are members of different associations CAN or PFM and many more. They all forget to see that If this associations are not under constant prayerful watch they have lost all. Division gradually sets in and all forms of vices. Soon its going to sound like the random political gatherings. The truth remains that the only thing that makes it different from random political gathering is the presence of constant prayers and fasting. But this seems like one of the old religious ways...Hmm...We need to forget about materialism and pray more For a man's life does not consists of the abundance of the things he has.
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