Thursday 18 August 2016

21 Business innovators:The age brackets of these Business Tycoons would shock you.

Founder: Adolf Dassler 
Age: 20
Business type: Sporting goods company.

2. Billabong
Founder: Gordon Merchant
Age: 28
Business type: Surfing fashion and accessories.

3.Cloudy Bay
Founder: David Bohnen.
BT: Winnery

4.Coca Cola:
Founders: John Pember Ton Crater
Age: 55 and 35
BT: Beverage Manufacturer.
5. Green and Blacks.
Founders: Craig Sam and Josephine Fairley
Age: 47 and 35.
BT: chocolate maker.

6. KFC
Founders:Harkind Sanders.
BT: Fast food chicken restaurant and take away.

7. Pizza Hut;
Founder: Dan and Frank Carney.
Age:27 and 20
BT: Pizza restaurant and take away.
8. Dysoon 
Founders: James Dyson 
Age: 45
BT: Technology manufacturer.
9. Volvo Cars Corporation.
Founders: Assar Gabrielson and Gustaf Larson.
Age: 34 and 37
BT: Automobiles.

10 Dorling Kindersley.
 Founders: Peter Kindersley and Christopher Dorling
Age: 33 and 34
BT: Publisher.
11.Lonely Planet.
Founders: Maureen and Tony Wheeler.
Age: 22 and 26
BT: Travel publishing.
12. Hilton hotels.
Founder; Hilton
Age: 32
BT: Hotels and Hospitality.
13. Ikea
Founders: Ingvar Kamprad
Founder: 17
BT: Furniture retailing.

14. Apple
Founders: Steve jobs and Steve Wozniak 
Age:21 and 26
BT: Computers.
15. Blackberry: 
Founders: Mike Lazaridis and Doos Fregin
Ages: 23 and 23

BT: Mobile communications
16. Nintendo
Founders:b Hiroshi Yamauchi
Ages; 21
BT: Computer games.
17. Nokia
Founders: Fredrick Idemstam
Age: 27
BT: Telecom's manufacturers
18. Sony
Founders: Masuru Ibuka and Akio Moritz
Age: 38 and 25
BT: Consumer electronic.
19. Bebo
Founders: Micheal and Xochi Birch
Age: 35 and 33.
BT: Social networkingg site
20 E-BAY
Founder: Pierre Omidyar 
Ages: 28
BT: Online auction site.
Founders: Sergy and Larry page
Ages: 24 and  25
 BT: Search engine.

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