Thursday 18 August 2016

Google; 14 things I bet you do not know about google.

 1.Founders of google: Sergey Brin and Larry Page.

2.Age of founders: 24 and 25

3.Background: Stanford PHD computer science students.

4.Business type; Search engine

5.Countries now in trading: World wide.

6.Income; $4.2 bn (E2.1bn) 2007.

7.Google's stated mission: is 'to organize the worlds information and make it universally accessible and useful.

8.Sergey and Larry remained resolute that they would never allow companies to pay to rank more highly... They came with a compromise which was to revolutionize the world's advertising industry.

9.In 2004, the founders reluctantly listed the search engine on the NASDAQ stock exchange raising $1.2bn (E600m). No other company has created such phenomenal influence, profit and wealth in such a short time.

10.Two months later after the IPO, google 's share price hit $135 (E68). Since then, it has risen substantially as the company's revenue and profit have grown: the share price at 2007 stood at 528$.

11.Sergey and Larry moved to their mountain view headquarters, in California in 2004 and that is where the company remains to this day.

12.The founder are still keen to solve some of the world's great problems. New products such as; Google Earth, a service that allows users to hone in on any part of the globe using satellite imagery, have continued to wow its users. A project to map human genes is on the way.

13.Its Motto, 'Don't be evil",,,,,,,

14. Year of foundation:1998

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