Saturday 27 August 2016

Burkini versus Bikini: Regulating what women wear.

      I stumbled on a picture of a police issuing a woman a ticket for wearing a bikini on a beach at Rimini, Italy in 1957. The police in the photo appears to have a slide smirk as he writes out a ticket for the woman standing before him: perhaps the smirk on his face shows he enjoys making her feel uncomfortable.

What Is it about women's swim wear and more generally women's attire that over and over in history has attracted controversy and placed upon society to regulate and legislate women's dressing.
I do not support indecent dressing, but why should what women put on be a societal issue....and when I mean societal issue, I would say "the problem of men".

What about the Burkini? The Muslim women put this stuff on so there do not have to expose their bodies. On tuesday, armed police officers forced a woman to remove her shirt on a beach in Nice, France. After taking a proper look at this picture, tears filled my eyes because I could see the helplessness of this woman who could not stand up for herself. 

A professor at the University of Nevada peirde clemte said, "the implication is that women are unable to regulate their appearance themselves". In work places, they would be four pages on what a woman could wear to work and four sentences for men".

Can't we decide what we want to wear? "If one wishes to dress skimpy or to be almost nude or to be covered from head-to-toe, isn't that a personal choice that cannot be dictated by the law. Why shouldn't Muslim women be allowed to put on whatever they please. why should the Muslim veil generate an issue that should lead to banning in universities and businesses. They got to be issues at hand relating to extremism, but why should putting up burkini generate such uproar.

Whoever says gender discrimination is a thing of the past should know that it has barely begun.

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Depression sounds like a calm expression, but it is a word that has affected thousands of young people in the 21st generation....