Terrorism isn't relative to any religion. I write this post from an incident that took place on my Facebook wall, were a Christian attacked a Muslim directly about all Muslims being BokoHaram. Yesterday I put up a post on the pope who proclaimed that its not right to identify Islam with Terrorism. After this post went famous on the net a lot of uproar was directed towards the pope. I would always say this, The major problem with Nigerians is that they do not read and they make judgements out of wild illiteracy. Today's post addresses the plight of women in Muslim dominated countries. The Islamic republic was a betrayal of Islam rather than its assertion.
From the mind of a troubled Transgressor
Can we tell the revolutionary guards the truth? we live to them; we hide our satellite dishes. We tell them we do not have illegal books and alcohol in our houses. Even our venerable fathers lies to them when the safety of his family is at stake. Our guards destroy the notion of Christianity. One asked us the difference between a Muslim girl and a Christian girl. Guess what he said ''The Muslim was a virgin, keeping herself for husband and her husband only, her power came from her modesty. The other Christian girl isn't a virgin. To my surprise, the two Muslim girls behind said ''No wonder more and more Muslims are converting to Christianity. See how entangled, small minded and hypocritical our revolutionary guards are. They patrol our streets to make sure women wear their veils properly, Do not put on makeup, Do not walk in public with men who are not your fathers, brothers or husbands. In the urge of nearly two decades, the streets have been turned into a war zone, where young women who disobey the rules are hurled into patrol cars, taken to jail, flogged, fined,forced to wash the toilets or are humiliated.
''Whoever we are- and it was not really important what religion we belonged to whether we observed certain religious norms or not- we had become the figment of someone else's dreams.
A stern, a self-proclaimed philosopher king, had come to rule our land,. He had come in the name of the past, a past that, he claimed had been stolen from him. And he now wanted to re-create us in the image of his illusory past. Was it any consolation, and did we even wish to remember, that what he did to us was what we allowed him to do. Colors have become symbols of western decadence and imperialistic tendencies. Not wearing a beard, shaking hands with members of the opposite sex, clapping or whistling in public meetings, were likewise considered western and therefore decadent, part of Imperialists to bring down our culture.,
From the ideas of the writer of Reading Lolita in Tehran.
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