Sunday 28 August 2016

Misplacement of priority:Gender, race, slavery, and religious extremism.

The overbearing nature of gender issues, racism, slavery, tribalism and discrimination of all sought is tiring. I do not mean that this issues aren't relevant in recent times, but we may have gone pass all that. Discrimination seems to me a choice. You either choose to live in discrimination or meander yourself out of it. Ask Obama, T.d jakes, Beyonce, and all  blacks who are relevant...I bet, you are gonna get answers like I worked my ass out,  so I got elevated from the postion were the colour of my skin could have been a problem. What about slavery. You would be living decades ago if you under that. The law doesn't permit slavery of any kind. No one practices that shit no more.

Once, I had a discussion with my baby sister on total eradication of gender discrimination. I was totally convinced that gender discrimination wouldn't be eradicated because of the divergent nature of the male and female biology. But she said "decades ago, women didn't have the right to vote and be voted for, to speak and be heard, to work and be paid equal salaries with the men. But it's quite different today; Britain just got her first female prime minister, America may have a woman as her president soon. It's getting better" I still took to my arguments but she made a lot more sense than I did. Sooner or later men and women are gonna be equal. Don't ask me when.

What about religious Extremism? It's no choice. I do not refer to the extremists but to the people that these actions affect. You are born to parents who believe in crab, and then you are signed into believing this shit. It's bullshit to pick up armory destroying the life's of the young. Women and children are being killed by men who have realized  the world has gone beyond their, to keep up with it they end the life's of others.

Slavery, Racism, Gender discrimination, and all forms of discrimination ain't what we should be putting up with now. What has regulation of what women should wear be an issue. We have lost thousands of souls to a group of babaric people and here we are talking about irrelevant issues. So much needs to be done on this topic of concern or we would sink into the hole it is setting for us.

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Depression sounds like a calm expression, but it is a word that has affected thousands of young people in the 21st generation....