Tuesday 6 September 2016

What I need in a man...

Early this week I heard someone say "I do not need a man who can't take care of me,  who can't settle my needs". I was really stunned because I thought we must have gone way pass our dependence on men to supply all we need. Really, I do not want a man with all the money in the world, I do not need a man with items that may attract my fancies. I do not need someone who would dance at me with cash that may last for enternity. All I need is a good man, one who fears the lord, one who is potentially able to take care of my needs. One who may not have all but is able to give the little he has to me. I may need the cash, the houses, the fanciful stuff but I need a heart that I could hold on to until death's ugly face prevails.

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Depression sounds like a calm expression, but it is a word that has affected thousands of young people in the 21st generation....