Tuesday 6 September 2016

Feminism and mutation

Dear feminists,
Being liberal as a woman doesn't mean being vulgar about your opinions. There has to be something conservative about the way you think. What about morality? You stamping your opinions on social media about loose sex does not seem right. Why should a woman be loose with her body, why must we express how we feel sexually? Some would say why shouldn't we be loose when the male gender is...let me ask a question "must we be stupid inorder to prove that we may just be as equal". The main reason why a woman and a man can't be totally equal is because of our biological discrepancies. Accept or leave it. We can match up with men intellectually and otherwise...but the moment a woman says I want to go out bare chested because men do, she is nuts, I mean totally nuts. If you are angry about something, please take it somewhere else and stop sharing your ideas on the media; cos of really young girls who may embrace your stupid and dead  ideas as an escape route from doing right.

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