Dear Rome,

By now the deaths has broken your hearts. You may feel consumed in spirit and in mind but you are not alone; Our hearts go out to you through silent and vocal prayers. We are praying for you. The night may seem like it would not end but I assure you this too will pass and you will be stronger. The ruins that strolls through your city came back to you double, but take heart and never give up on looking ahead. In six months time this would be a thing of the past. Your loss has punctured our hearts so deep and we would keep on talking to God for you. As I write this, I seat down in a cafe with tears in my eyes; my tears dropped this morning for you and I believe the tears of the saints are all packed up in bottles for your sakes. Remember that it would pass. As the night comes after the setting of the sun so would the morning come.
The word says 'All things work together for good for them that love the lord and are called according to purpose'. This particular period may not look like anything good could come out of it but it would if you set your eyes on him who is righteous. If you haven't accepted christ into your life, you should accept him because he alone can turn really bad situations into something very pleasant. Don't worry about the pain you feel; it would go away with time. Time would heal your heart as he has healed the heart of people in terrible situations. God hasn't forgotten you, right now he is working for your good. He's with you in this pain and he will help you through it.
God loves you Rome. It is his will that you dwell in health. I would like you to know that God is more willingly to heal your land than you're willing to be healed, because he loves you more than you can imagine. I repeat dear Rome 'God loves you and he is willing to heal you of every infirmity. God would restore everything you've lost.
Yours Sincerely.
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