Thursday 19 March 2020


Image result for pictures of two soldiers fighting

In the belly of tomorrow are structures of what would definitely become reality. Our lives turning 
side to side wanting a tomorrow that has remained hidden.

At 70, a tomorrow may be pictures in the light of what now owns us.
At 50, a tomorrow may depend upon investments earlier made.
At 40, a tomorrow depends on particular exciting breakthroughs to come
At 30, a tomorrow may depend on results from goals and action points
At 20, a tomorrow may depend upon dreams built by expectant parents and fantasies.

Tomorrow has been viewed as territories for the realization of big pictures. In the reality of today we are particularly striving to create a tomorrow that could be more pleasant than what we see today. Finally, we are hitting 60 and we still talk about a tomorrow. It is good to dream while expanding visions and goals into magnificent sizes as time grows. But how many ever see the great tomorrow that lies in their minds. That is when the word 'battles' arises; 

How many never reach their goals,
How many die very early.
How many great books are left without completion 
How come many never ever get to partake in what God has for them.

Battles are real. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever plagues you without a root cause. Nothing ever hunts you without a source. Look around your life and perceive what hunts you; Is it failure or hardship? After you have worked harder than everyone else, you still meet the damaging effects of failure. Never call it a coincidence or the trademark of 'I need to put more effort'. In the light of a huge break through, everything disappears before your eyes; this is not normal and you have to radically fight against it.

Battles are only fought and won through christ and him alone remains the only way through which you conquer life battles...If you haven't turned to him, say this prayers
Lord Jesus, I accept you into  my life as my personal lord and savior
please lord help me conquer all the the battles that are against my life.,

 In jesus name, Amen 

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