What really is the requirement for winning the Oscars? I asked that question because if a guy like Leo didn't hit the whole mark and all....what else could be a better way to approach the status quo. I wonder oh....is there also politics in Hollywood? what really hindered him from getting it?. Was it because of the criticism they finally decided to give it to him?. In the novel "fools die" Mario puzo explained without reasonable doubt the politics played in Hollywood. He talked about the different aspects of the film industry critiquing it subtly. But yea "I got the message. It really got me thinking "so even in America they are also vices just like every other society".....but he won it sha 😀☺☺☺
Welcome to Minka's blog,, Here You gonna get info on Religious Extremism; Conservative Christians, the liberal ones, Islamic Extremism. Gender Analysis, poems, Short stories and News items. I hope You make my blog your Tourist center. Thanks already.
Monday, 29 February 2016
And thats how he did it'''''''
What really is the requirement for winning the Oscars? I asked that question because if a guy like Leo didn't hit the whole mark and all....what else could be a better way to approach the status quo. I wonder oh....is there also politics in Hollywood? what really hindered him from getting it?. Was it because of the criticism they finally decided to give it to him?. In the novel "fools die" Mario puzo explained without reasonable doubt the politics played in Hollywood. He talked about the different aspects of the film industry critiquing it subtly. But yea "I got the message. It really got me thinking "so even in America they are also vices just like every other society".....but he won it sha 😀☺☺☺
Friday, 26 February 2016
The fate of that soldier.
"You said the war''s been over long enough. And it hasn't. You still suffer it in your dreams. They are thousands of stump Hardwick's longing to become clunky Hardwick's. There are other men who can't breathe. Or who wake up everynight screaming , Or who are blind or deaf or still in pain from a wound that's never been attended to. For that matter, the wars not over for the people of Germany, because we still find it necessary to punish them savagely for a crime themselves had no say in"
Sons of Adams.
Henry Bingham.
When I was 17, I read a book "The fate of the American soldier". This book opened my mind to the turmoil and the religious uncertainty of soldiers. At that early age, I began to question the objectivity of wars.
Were do soldiers go to after death?
Do soldiers go up or down?
What does religion really have to do with wars?
What comes to the mind of soldiers when they are faced with death?
Do they think of their wives, children or do they really think of what they are going to face after death?
These are the questions I asked myself when I was little because they where not clear to my tender heart. Now, I may ask these questions but I would never ask them in isolation of the government. My idea on war is very subjective. Alot of men in high positions who know virtually nothing about warfare sit up there and give verdict that ends up affecting this minority sector. So many people are living from serious psychological issues resulting from wars and destruction. Looking at the civil war of Nigeria, it was so destructive that alot of people still carry the aftermath of the pain . A lecturer of mine told me about a friend of his who always talks about eating lizards because of hunger during the civil war. Alot of homes, families, and investments were destroyed beyond reasonable doubt. The most painful of all is that the civil war is something that could have been avoided if they was more strategy. No matter how much we try to conceal this issue it would never ever be forgotten in the minds of the most affected. It would forever live in the consciousness of men. History has been written by a set of bias people who would never explain critically the real reasons behind alot of stories.
In Nigeria it may be different but what about in the U.s were alot of unwillingly young people are subjugated to war fronts. Alot of them have never killed animals before, and you tell them go fight for our nation. Some would scream "for the love of America" but so many may mean contrary. In Nigeria some people get into the military not for passion but to end a living. I had two teachers who left teaching to join the army because they were not paid properly. That was really their reason and nothing else. Man has consistently taken decisions because of the lack of choice. No nation would get to its zenith when the military that is put in place is not willing.
I have sometimes questioned the brutality of the Nigerian armed force at one time or the other. But really, can you really judge them when they is nothing else for them? Some end up killing their wives and children after a days labour....I am not trying to defend the activities of men in the army. But who ever faces war and remains the same....I haven't seen a soul. Wars affects the entirety of a person's existence. It changes your beliefs and your approach to life. I may be wrong but think about it. An intercourse with death changes alot of things, and being in the army subjects you closer to it. I pray that the souls who have perished one way or the other during wars for they might find real peace.
I write what I feel for what a person really feels is what speaks to others.
All these troubled my mind deeply. So I came to a conclusion
" if wars can be avoided,
For countries should avoid them"
Wednesday, 24 February 2016
Make-Up And Psychological Disorder
Psychological disorders have been over rated in recent times. It amazes me that psychologists have gradually crafted everything into psychological problems. Every single continuous activity is called
Tuesday, 23 February 2016
Nigerians laxity
Monday, 22 February 2016
Popular demand and the Nigerian Artist.
According to Aaron copeland a well known modern composer "we all listen to music according to our seperate capacities"he further broke it down into 3 components; the sensuous, the expressive and the sheerly musicà l plane.
Among thè three components mentioned above he said the basic way of listening to music is listening for the mere pleasure of the music itself. It is the level on which we hear music without thinking and contemplation. Unfortunately this is where our Niģerian musical audience falls. The Yoruba's call it alujo...beat lets dance.
The 2nd approach of listening to music is The expressive. This deals with the listening of music not for the rhythm alone but to get a message. For alot of people, music must speak to them in relations to what's happening. Unfortunately alot of Nigerian artists do not look into this category because their songs do not carry messages. Their music rely on beats and rhythm to make profit. They forget that music which eventually says the same thing later becomes dull music. Looking at Tschaikovsky and Beethoven. It is easier to understand Tschaikovsky music because each time you come back to it eventually says the sà me thing. But Beethoven is not easily understood.
The 3rd plane of which music is judged is "the sheerly musical plane". This surpasses the pleasurable sound of music and the expressive feelings of which music emanates. In this plane music exists in terms of the notes and its manipulations. Alot of Nigerian musicians and audience are not sufficiently conscious of this 3rd plane.
I believe that the Nigerian audience is the major cause of the complacent attitudes of the Nigerian artist. Many upcoming Nigerian artists believe that the Nigerià n musical audience lays their emphasis on the beats, ryhthm and the repetitive chorus... As far as a music can be used ìn clubs, I bet Nigerian audience is good to go.
Despite the message and clarity in Asa's music. Most Nigerians still claim that they are not able to relate to her music. Contrarily to her kind of music are singers like wizkid, Davido, Timaya....someone refered to Wizkid as "Niger's hit boy ". Yet alot of people feel his music is majorly repetitive. Look at Don jazzy and Tiwa savage....what is 'jantamà nta or dorobuchi' . No one knows the meaning but they go ahead listening to it.
Also from the perspective of popular demand. Nigerians end up criticising their songs saying its too repetitive and not expressive. Whà t if Tiwa Savage begins to sing like Asa do you think her music would still sell?? I don't think so.
I drive that Nigerians must correlate the three forms of listening and writting music together. This would create an equilibrium. They should also be an obvious drive for listening to music both subjectively and objectively. If all these is given attention to it would create for balance and depth.
Sunday, 21 February 2016
Sex and cultural beliefs
Culture is relative so is sex. One's idea about a certain phenomenon would be distinctly different from another in relations to the society he/she exists from. Sex and steorotypes are alike.
"Is a girl called Gloria apt to be better looking than one called Bertha"
"Are criminals more likely to be dark than blond"
"Can you tell a good deal about one's personality from hearing his voice briefly over the phone"
"Does the fact that one wears glasses imply he is intelligent"
The answers to all these questions is obviously no. Yet, from all the evidence at hand, most of us believe these things. So are the conceptions about sex. No subject today is likely to offend so discussions can be made openly.
By the age of 16, the average child would have carried out some practices sexually related. This also falls back to the conservative and liberal nature of our society. The conservative Nigerian in contradiction to the liberal American promotes celibacy before marriage. This culture also promotes a woman who has gotten married to stay with their spouse despite all odds. The breakdown of this culture became evident due to hybridization resulting from merging two cultures. Hybridization has created the allowance for seperation and divorce in the African society which was normally unheard of. But really, to a Nigerian citizen sex is sacred and would always be.
In a certain part of Nigeria, when a woman gets married and engà ge in sex with her husband....the evidence in form of blood stained on a white material is brought to show her sexual sanctity thereby promoting the indigenious culture. America contrarily, is a nà tion engulfed in different cultural groups. Due to these difference conflict is bound to arise. Apart from the issue of Religion, sex is one of the major conflicts. In addition, these conflicting opinions relating to sex brings about major issues such as divorce.
Divorce earnestly is a problem affecting the institution of marriage. Everyone has something to say about it. Realistically, the problems that cause divorce in most marriages is not so important as what should be its real cause. In Nigeria, most women are still in abusive marriages majorly because of their children and religion. I was so shocked when a woman I respect and admire so much said she is still staying in marriage cause of her children. But in America....what's the need of being in a marriage where sadness brews when there's something called "child's support". If the man then refuses to support his child, taking him to the court is just another right option.
Also dealing with the sacred nature of sexual relations in Nigeria is the issue of rape. The first thing that comes to the minds of a large number of people in Nigeria when a girl is raped is All these girls that do not dress well eh, I know that she dressed in a seducing manner. They get into conclusions without finding the major cause and effects of rape.
My mà jor point is that sex and its conceptions are diverse in relations to societal norms.
Saturday, 20 February 2016
Increased motivation of cravings that consistently resurfaces in the mind
To write is to append the cravings of men deep down some sheet that may or maynot exist forever. I want to write; not plays, not autobiographies, not biographies even. But i want to write about real happenings and situations that affects the very essence of human existence.
Issues....issues. most times i listen attentively looking at materials and happenings that i should build on. Is it death, childbirth, poverty, absence, what about presence. Should i say confusion dwells and pricles the writers soul. That he may write but what should be written about. The writer is in continous search of something...i know about all these because i have been stamped and faced with all this issues gradually blistering my existence.
How càn i write for i do not know what to append. I would die a death of depravation and unfillment if i dont write. Doestovsky wrote because he found himself in an unpleasant situation when he was faced with capital punishment. It signaled the falling droplets of rain...of an age he did not dim complete. In that predicament of utmost darkness, Doestovsky was faced with a passion that only exhales from an intercourse with death. He wrote strictly and radically against the crime statement. Alot still needs to be appended.
What is intelligence anyway??
Socrates sàid "i know i am intelligent because i know that i know nothing" i then càme across this ""À deaf and dumb went to a shop to get à hammer, inorder to let the sales man know. He used his hand demonstrating the activity of a hammer' but if a blindman comes to get a scissors what's he going to do to let the sales man knw. I failed.....lol. I quickly used my hand doing what a scissors does. A blind man is not deaf ànd dumb he could just have said i need a scissors. I began to change my conception about being intelligent. Its not about the grades or being able to do well in some i.q test according to charles spearman. It is the ultimate use of facts to solve problems.
Nairobi alert....lions on the loose
Nigerians Alert.....politicians on the loose. The later topic got my attention. Nairobi Alert....lions on the loose. These politicians have gone crazy. Prison chains not so much your hands and feets as it does your voice. The punishment given to this politicians is taken with so much levity and laxity. Whàt about capital punishment!!I mean straight up death. You steal....you die. When a person realises that there is going to be a deàth penalty....i absolutely feel that corruption would be limited. Everyone fears death and would tàke decisions that isolate death. Think about it!!!
Friday, 19 February 2016
Instant collaboration.
The presènt reaction over the Naira's devaluation is alarming. It brings out the pessimistic behaviour of Nigerians. Yesterday Night i got an instant message alerting the new Naira rate and i was like whewww!!!when is it gonna get stable. Eaŕlier 2day some Nigerians where like its gonna be higher soon. And i began to think, pessimism is cultural, i mean its inherent in the conciousness of the black man. What if things get better eventually. What if a dollar becomes equivalent to a Naira. I brought up this issue somè minutes ago and a guy was like i swear it cant happen. Maybe mąybe not. I think thè pessimism of Nigerians is adding extraneously on this remarkable breakdown.
Invitation Alert (My First Post)
Depression sounds like a calm expression, but it is a word that has affected thousands of young people in the 21st generation....

In Nigeria, everyone is happy. Totally happy. Extraordinarily satisfied and eyes fixed up for a brighter tomorrow. Imagine, "we laugh a...
Dear students, The moment you sign up to be a student in Nigeria, you become trapped. I do not mean been trapped literally but...