An argument took place earlier this week in a class with students and was superceded by a lecturer....and the argument was "what is the average age a person should be given admission into the university". Alot of comments where gotten from random people. I would make reference to comments made by them here and there.
A guy got up moving a motion relating his point to late marriage. He said "allowing a child go to the university at age 18 causes late marriage. He narrated a scenario about a girl who got into the university late, and had problems getting married because her sole interest was education while her mates who entered quite earlier had moved on.
A girl got up trying to refute his point but at the end asserting to his ideas using different words....she talked about "the issue of marriage being embedded in the consciousness of Africans" she also made a point on when a person is in school education should be their priority. She ended protesting that people should get into the university at the age of 15.
During the course of the argument, someone blurted out "most children who mess up their life's sexually in school are kids below 16"
The last speaker refuted all their points by saying "heaven is a race, but marriage is not a race. No matter how matured someone Is one's contribution to the society Is utmost. She also said there is no fixed age for getting married. When a child is allowed to get into the university at age 18 the child is expected to be matured physically and mentally. He therefore does better than a child who gets in at 15 or 16.
There where more reactions to the issue directly and indirectly. The lecturer took over and gave a conclusion resulting from all that had been said. He said "everyone is solidly entitled to his choosen view on a particular matter. But for him he is gonna send his kids to the university when they are 18. He said, a child maybe smart and intelligent but character may not yet be formed. He then concluded by saying a child should get into the university at 18 to mature emotionally.
This made me begin to think "what age should be acceptable for entrance into the university" please kindly leave your comments.
Welcome to Minka's blog,, Here You gonna get info on Religious Extremism; Conservative Christians, the liberal ones, Islamic Extremism. Gender Analysis, poems, Short stories and News items. I hope You make my blog your Tourist center. Thanks already.
Monday, 14 March 2016
Sunday, 13 March 2016
#picture for today#
I took this picture this morning while going for my morning walk....wanted to get the black bird but couldn't find it after taking the☺
Saturday, 12 March 2016
I am black and I do not regret it'✌๐
Hello beautiful people๐,,
I just got this little something from my baby sister who's been pestering me to put it up....soooooo I decided to upload this.
The hair of a woman is her glory, even the Holy book says so and the good Lord has given unto every race its kind of hair that seems good in His sight. He gave unto the Asians their type of hair, He gave unto the Australians their type of hair. He also gave unto the Americans their type of hair and unto the Africans He gave the kind of hair called the negroid hair.
Its a pity that many Africans particularly Nigerians do not value our negroid hair.
Our African hair is not all we don't value. Many Nigerians don't like the colour of their skin, so they use a lot of lightening creams which have a lot of side effects.
We also don't like our language. We have allowed English to take over our language. We have a generation of youths who can speak polished English but can't speak their mother tongue. The one that baffles me most is when I see Nigerians bearing English and Jewish surnames. For example Sandra Joseph, Blessing Thompson, Blessing, Samuel, David e.t.c. It is not very common to hear Nigerians bear their native names in school. They use their native names at home and are only called such names by relatives. Some people I know feel ashamed to have such names mentioned in the public. Is this not low self esteem?
Have we finally agreed that other races are superior to us?
Your African hair can be as long and soft as you want it to be if you know how to take better care of it. I am keeping my natural hair and it is very soft and easy to comb.
You can use oils like Shea butter, kernel oil, palm oil, Olive oil, coconut oil and other oils to take care of our hair. For more information on how to take care of your natural Nigerian hair, google it and you'll be amazed on how soft, supple, dark and beautiful our hair can be. I am proud to be a Nigerian, I am proud to be African. I hope you are.
Every race is important and diversity should not be a source of conflict but of unity and beauty. We should be proud of who we are whether African, Asian Australian or American. We are beautiful, we shouldn't try to be someone else, we should stay true to our self and become the best we can be.๐
Friday, 11 March 2016
###Thought for today#
When we think of a difficult thing to do, like attending school or changing careers,, we often just think of the immediate comfort that comes from not doing it. No, I won't do it, it gives a little relief from the big gulp of work that school would be for 3 years. But there is a big lie we tell ourselves_ a lie that hides the future consequences of our choices, yes you avoid the work that feels good at the moment: but in doing that, you have made another choice as well: to have a miserable life you hate 3 years from now.
Tuesday, 8 March 2016
"Give a woman good lipsticks and I bet she's gonna rule the world"
The high demand for mac lipstick is really something to say๐ค
Really, it makes me really wonder what's the difference between a mac and Milani or an l.a girl lipstick. It performs the same action๐ of colouring the lips but yet a girl would pick up a burgundy mac lipstick which is quite expensive over an l.a girl burgundy lipstick.
This also shows the desire of ladie's in wanting quality over quantity. Each time I go to buy cosmetics, I hear ladies constantly asking for mac products over and over again. So, this made me inquisitive on the reason for it being so....and I think I found out why๐.
mac lipstick has this confidence yea am using mac. It can even move a girl to self confidence. It just has this thing. Like it's mac and so. I have noticed that alot of ladie's make save up huge amount of money just to get mac products. Mac...mac. like oh yea I use the entirety of mac products. If you doubt, you could go check out my makeup
mac lipstick has this confidence yea am using mac. It can even move a girl to self confidence. It just has this thing. Like it's mac and so. I have noticed that alot of ladie's make save up huge amount of money just to get mac products. Mac...mac. like oh yea I use the entirety of mac products. If you doubt, you could go check out my makeup
So many may end up hoarding this product from friends and family just because it's mac. At the end of the day they may end up letting it go but they will be like "make sure you use a little and do not waste it".
And also, mac has this flattering and natural look. It just gives you that natural and sincere thing๐. It also heightens one's charm and demeanor.
I just noticed the high craze on lipsticks and just wanted to give you all a feel๐
Sunday, 6 March 2016
7 things graduate's must do to get employed and make people beg for them.
''It ain't enough to find oil, Tom, it's turning it into dollars
that counts''
Sons of Adams.
''The increment in job unemployment in Nigeria has become so alarming'' This has become so cliche in Nigeria. Everyone keeps on saying it without bringing out valid solutions. A lot of graduates also feel that their 1st class and 2.1 certificates would bag them a living. But the truth still remains, managers, and directors do not want liabilities who may or may not have good grades. All they want is simply a person who has the capacity to make concrete use of written facts to move their companies further financially.
The following are the 7 steps graduates must take in order to get employed and still remain relevant in their fields.
1. Identify your area of strength: simply look for something you do not struggle while doing. its not necessary where you get all your A's but something you do without having to put so much effort. everything that you can see around you began in the invisible world of someone's soul. it was first a talent, then a dream. It became into being because of talent, discipline, and desire, all invisible ingredients that live in the souls of men and women. A building, a business, a good marriage, and a healthy family all begin in the souls of human beings.
2.Take out the rotten egg:successful people do not hang on to bad stuff for long. In order to get the attention of people you need emotional intelligence i.e the capacity to work with others and understand their emotions. clear out your mind regularly. There are many such examples that we are not even aware of. clutter, dead weight, things we keep around that don't help us but take up space or drain resource.
3. play the movie: if you want to be successful, make sure you consider your decisions before taking action. Any one thing you do is a scene in a larger movie. Be reflective and think beyond already existing conventions.
4.Take a step:''if the economy is lousy, do not wait for it to change. compare the people who actively do things and those who sit complaining.
5.Act like the ant: The reality of this is that many tiny ants always take many tiny grain of sand at a time. And Viola! A city was built.
6.Hate well: what we hate says a lot about who we are, what we value, and what we care about. how we hate says much about how we will succeed in love and life
7. Be humble: Humility is not having a need to be more than you are. Accept your own failures and mistakes and see it as part of the process.
All this plenty talk sef nah wah for this country just have to get everything right.
that counts''
Sons of Adams.
''The increment in job unemployment in Nigeria has become so alarming'' This has become so cliche in Nigeria. Everyone keeps on saying it without bringing out valid solutions. A lot of graduates also feel that their 1st class and 2.1 certificates would bag them a living. But the truth still remains, managers, and directors do not want liabilities who may or may not have good grades. All they want is simply a person who has the capacity to make concrete use of written facts to move their companies further financially.
The following are the 7 steps graduates must take in order to get employed and still remain relevant in their fields.
1. Identify your area of strength: simply look for something you do not struggle while doing. its not necessary where you get all your A's but something you do without having to put so much effort. everything that you can see around you began in the invisible world of someone's soul. it was first a talent, then a dream. It became into being because of talent, discipline, and desire, all invisible ingredients that live in the souls of men and women. A building, a business, a good marriage, and a healthy family all begin in the souls of human beings.
2.Take out the rotten egg:successful people do not hang on to bad stuff for long. In order to get the attention of people you need emotional intelligence i.e the capacity to work with others and understand their emotions. clear out your mind regularly. There are many such examples that we are not even aware of. clutter, dead weight, things we keep around that don't help us but take up space or drain resource.
3. play the movie: if you want to be successful, make sure you consider your decisions before taking action. Any one thing you do is a scene in a larger movie. Be reflective and think beyond already existing conventions.
4.Take a step:''if the economy is lousy, do not wait for it to change. compare the people who actively do things and those who sit complaining.
5.Act like the ant: The reality of this is that many tiny ants always take many tiny grain of sand at a time. And Viola! A city was built.
6.Hate well: what we hate says a lot about who we are, what we value, and what we care about. how we hate says much about how we will succeed in love and life
7. Be humble: Humility is not having a need to be more than you are. Accept your own failures and mistakes and see it as part of the process.
All this plenty talk sef nah wah for this country just have to get everything right.
Saturday, 5 March 2016
Diverse ideas and gradual break away
I got thiss picture from Instagram this morning and it made me think. I hope it gets your attention too. Goodmorning all.๐
Wednesday, 2 March 2016
Do women really have souls?
Some theologians have asked
"If women have a soul"
Several scientists were ready to refuse them a human intelligence.
What education and enlightenment does to a man is "It makes men want to be heard". How can a group of people exist in a world like ours without having a metaphysical experience.
I really wonder what their motif was?....where they actually trying to compare the existence of women to that of animals because it's so certain animals do not have souls. I am not trying to bring up sentiments but can a question like this be asked without provoking feminist movements.
Specifically, in most cultures men occupy most or all positions of power, which is why those cultures are called patriarchal cultures. In patriarchy, women suffer varying degrees of oppression depending on race, ethnicity, socio-economic class, religion, and sexual orientation. Feminism would like to achieve a society in which women and men are encouraged to fulfill their full potential as human beings regardless of the extent to which their abilities and inclinations differ from traditional definitions of feminity and masculinity.
for I really believe, feminism either liberal or the radical form would have never existed if men and women where aware of their roles in the society. There is an amount of misinterpetation about feminism. So many women who claim to be feminists do not even understand the purpose behind this movement. They go arond calling themselves feminists, and blaming their plights on the men. It is generally believed that feminism is directly opposed to family values. But people and so called feminists are not aware that feminists continue to struggle for better family policies such as; nutrition and health care for mothers and children. For a healthly opinion on feminism, we all need to adjust to the idea that feminism is a form of human-rights activism and not unhealthy struggle between women and men.
During the 19th century, victorian patriarchy promoted "the cult of true womanhood" a concept that tagged women to be fragile, submissive, and sexually pure. They also relegated women to be at home and protested that all this made her more womanly. I also believe that race also affects feminists ideology. For example, some African American Feminists pointed out that the Victorian definition of womanhood excludes women who fend for themselves and are prey to sexual harassment. Gradually, women have gone beyond the Victorian conception of woman hood and have continued to break barriers.
In this post, all I try to do is explain vividly what real feminist movement means.
I really wonder what their motif was?....where they actually trying to compare the existence of women to that of animals because it's so certain animals do not have souls. I am not trying to bring up sentiments but can a question like this be asked without provoking feminist movements.
Specifically, in most cultures men occupy most or all positions of power, which is why those cultures are called patriarchal cultures. In patriarchy, women suffer varying degrees of oppression depending on race, ethnicity, socio-economic class, religion, and sexual orientation. Feminism would like to achieve a society in which women and men are encouraged to fulfill their full potential as human beings regardless of the extent to which their abilities and inclinations differ from traditional definitions of feminity and masculinity.
for I really believe, feminism either liberal or the radical form would have never existed if men and women where aware of their roles in the society. There is an amount of misinterpetation about feminism. So many women who claim to be feminists do not even understand the purpose behind this movement. They go arond calling themselves feminists, and blaming their plights on the men. It is generally believed that feminism is directly opposed to family values. But people and so called feminists are not aware that feminists continue to struggle for better family policies such as; nutrition and health care for mothers and children. For a healthly opinion on feminism, we all need to adjust to the idea that feminism is a form of human-rights activism and not unhealthy struggle between women and men.
During the 19th century, victorian patriarchy promoted "the cult of true womanhood" a concept that tagged women to be fragile, submissive, and sexually pure. They also relegated women to be at home and protested that all this made her more womanly. I also believe that race also affects feminists ideology. For example, some African American Feminists pointed out that the Victorian definition of womanhood excludes women who fend for themselves and are prey to sexual harassment. Gradually, women have gone beyond the Victorian conception of woman hood and have continued to break barriers.
In this post, all I try to do is explain vividly what real feminist movement means.
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