Monday 4 July 2016

Poem of the day #storms#

Drizzles, we see
loose droplets pacing through storms
no one could see it come
but we all saw it drop.
We knew about the storms
It was rather left that way.
This drizzles haunts us
we may never have seen it come
we all saw it drop.

I write to dream.
I write to unfold worlds
maybe not a real one
But it still remains a place.
What about the stream from my childhood
I let it flow without knowing its end.
We never tried to realize life's borders
Until when we worked through time but no borders
Maybe If there were
Life would be much more predictable
Is it my mind I let loose
Is it my soul that paces for answers
Why wouldn't the storms give up
Hear me now; We all would withstand You
Why do we not see the long droplets till it fades
I think We are meant to 0vercome.


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Depression sounds like a calm expression, but it is a word that has affected thousands of young people in the 21st generation....