Thursday 26 March 2020

A short letter to Rome

Dear Rome,

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By now the deaths has broken your hearts. You may feel consumed in spirit and in mind but you are not alone; Our hearts go out to you through silent and vocal prayers. We are praying for you. The night may seem like it would not end but I assure you this too will pass and you will be stronger. The ruins that strolls through your city came back to you double, but take heart and never give up on looking ahead. In six months time this would be a thing of the past. Your loss has punctured our hearts so deep and we would keep on talking to God for you. As I write this, I seat down in a cafe with tears in my eyes; my tears dropped this morning for you and I believe the tears of the saints are all packed up in bottles for your sakes. Remember that it would pass. As the night comes after the setting of the sun so would the morning come. 

The word says 'All things work together for good for them that love the lord and are called according to purpose'. This particular period may not look like anything good could come out of it but it would if you set your eyes on him who is righteous. If you haven't accepted christ into your life, you should accept him because he alone can turn really bad situations into something very pleasant. Don't worry about the pain you feel; it would go away with time. Time would heal your heart as he has healed the heart of people in terrible situations. God hasn't forgotten you, right now he is working for your good. He's with you in this pain and he will help you through it.

God loves you Rome. It is his will that you dwell in health. I would like you to  know that God is more willingly to heal your land than you're willing to be healed, because he loves you more than you can imagine. I repeat dear Rome 'God loves you and he is willing to heal you of every infirmity. God would restore everything you've lost.

Yours Sincerely. 

Thursday 19 March 2020


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In the belly of tomorrow are structures of what would definitely become reality. Our lives turning 
side to side wanting a tomorrow that has remained hidden.

At 70, a tomorrow may be pictures in the light of what now owns us.
At 50, a tomorrow may depend upon investments earlier made.
At 40, a tomorrow depends on particular exciting breakthroughs to come
At 30, a tomorrow may depend on results from goals and action points
At 20, a tomorrow may depend upon dreams built by expectant parents and fantasies.

Tomorrow has been viewed as territories for the realization of big pictures. In the reality of today we are particularly striving to create a tomorrow that could be more pleasant than what we see today. Finally, we are hitting 60 and we still talk about a tomorrow. It is good to dream while expanding visions and goals into magnificent sizes as time grows. But how many ever see the great tomorrow that lies in their minds. That is when the word 'battles' arises; 

How many never reach their goals,
How many die very early.
How many great books are left without completion 
How come many never ever get to partake in what God has for them.

Battles are real. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever plagues you without a root cause. Nothing ever hunts you without a source. Look around your life and perceive what hunts you; Is it failure or hardship? After you have worked harder than everyone else, you still meet the damaging effects of failure. Never call it a coincidence or the trademark of 'I need to put more effort'. In the light of a huge break through, everything disappears before your eyes; this is not normal and you have to radically fight against it.

Battles are only fought and won through christ and him alone remains the only way through which you conquer life battles...If you haven't turned to him, say this prayers
Lord Jesus, I accept you into  my life as my personal lord and savior
please lord help me conquer all the the battles that are against my life.,

 In jesus name, Amen 

Monday 16 March 2020

A ladies personal Tale

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I grew up in the furthest part of north of nowhere. I was born to a family where all they worshiped was fixtures of past ancestors. Never did I spend time at the family shrine, but in the hollows of a demented mind. Few years before we moved into my home in the north of nowhere, I lost my Pupa. Pupa was my little brother whose smile made the flowers in my heart bubble red. He knew how to make my everything bright. But the day he died, the battery that ignited my ever blazing fantasies died.

            Everyone noticed my silence and beckoned I grow out of pain. I would have accepted it if he came back to me and made it all bright. The next few weeks we moved to far north from where I was born. The rains wouldn’t stop when we arrived. It rained continually with heavy falls and continuous drizzles. My heart was clouded but my mind struggled to arrive at the place of rest. I once heard that the peace of the heart controls the health of our minds and body. I hadn’t yet quieted my heart; how was I supposed to quiet my soul. Then the rains calmed.

One grueling morning, I stumbled on the Pictures of my Pupa. Instead of the pain I was supposed to feel, it was some kind of exhaustion that ignited from within. Staggering from my bed, I stole a glance from the rooms my senior siblings laid to the external court of my home. With my daring passion, I burnt it all. I ended the pain and I crumbled to the ground with an inner calm, but yet an extremeness of failed passion. At that time, we worshiped the fallen gods. My mother and my late father hailed from the watery part of the land that hinged on rocky lands. During moonlight tales, everyone would narrate the beauty of the river goddess, how they were all dedicated to it! My tender heart hated that tale and aggressively I asked once ‘I hope we weren’t sanctified by the fallen goddess!!! She would smirk hard and say ‘you weren’t dedicated directly to her but you belong to her’. No one taught me about the Big God then but I knew he was real. I screamed headily at mom ‘I belong to no one, no!! I belong to no one. She would laugh wholeheartedly without minding my tantrums and say, you have no choice.

            One funny morning, I guess the waters on the other side mixed up with the sands by the seashore because of the scent that came with the breeze. The breeze then blew the scented rivers towards my direction. I felt free and my tummy tumbled in so many degrees of fantasies. Nature is my thing. I would sit for hours staring at forested areas and wonder what wonders happened there. Forget all those thrilling stories of demons and dead men bones. Whoever was the creator of life didn’t create forested areas for demons to dwell within. There should be some kind of wonder going on there apart from demons and those far-fetched tales. I stumbled towards some buildings where I heard stuttering sounds of words like ‘hallelujah’. My heart melted to the sounds that grew from the distance and I was determined to head right at that place. My mother’s words came down to me with thundering’s ‘You don’t step out of this house or I cut your funny little limbs’. She Scared the hell out of me but adamantly I persevered towards there. Some other force was pulling me towards that humpy building and I kept moving and never looked back.

             One major flaw I inherited from my dad was his unappealing attitude to be noticed. All I wanted to do was really disappear through the door and stand still there watching them do their thing. It didn’t take me as long as I thought it would to find myself there with so many youngies there doing some kind of worship. My left leg gained a foot hold of the entrance and I paused like a huge rock. Everyone turned and looked at me. Inwardly I felt like a wild stranger but that wasn’t the reaction I got from the people inside the church “Back then I idolized it a temple like the one we usually prayed to’’.

Some youngies came towards me and dragged me into the procession of praise singers. I felt free and wild. I never knew the reaction to give at that point but I just started crying profusely. As I sobbed, it grew into screaming and all I felt was the patting of my back and whispers of ‘it’s going to be alright’. I never felt warmth and extravagantness of care before now. Then my nerves grew calm and I was taken to a sit to relax.

            You may begin to wonder and ponder about the depth of my pain. I lost it all when dad and Pupa left me. my siblings and mom never understood what it meant to loose. Because all went back to their passions and earnest wanderings. All that I ever knew made me happy was my dad and my little brother. Then I grew depressed and got into pangs of panic attacks that grew into some kind of mental damage.That was when I met the big God. I was told he loved and cared for me and all I needed to do is give my all to him. One thing that cut my stomach was when I heard that he could be the best friend I never had. With my little inspired heart, I accepted. I was hungry to know him. I really needed him to become my bugger and pizza. My heart took a different shape immediately, a shape of joy. No one knows if there’s a shape called joy but all I remember is that I never felt that way before.

On my way home someone dropped some kind of cold iced water on my chest. People would say its peace and quietness. I had met my personal lord; the one who choose me even before I was born and who loved me from the moment I took my first breath. As I stumbled home, I kept on saying ‘’big God you better stick with me I’ve got to face several problems at home.
My problems seemed larger than me at the time; one was my mother who was a traditional worshiper and that ugly goddess that plagued my home. My stomach taunted me a bit but I grew determined to tell my mom and my siblings about my faith.
As I got home, I heard screams and wailings from the house. I thought it was because of my absence. On getting home, mama ran towards me with her hands on her head and strangely she hugged me so tight and pointed to the burning building where our gods laid;
She said ‘my gods are dead,
Lulami, our gods are gone’

Friday 13 March 2020


In Order to attain the great voice you have dreamed of, it is very important you persist in taking care of your vocals by eating what is proper. Ben carson said, it takes ten thousands of hours to develop a world class talent but also it takes the right diet to keep your vocal cords healthy. You may have to make goals and be radically determined to go through with them. The following could do while you are on your journey to become that world class artiste...




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Thursday 12 March 2020

Coarona Virus: The Addictive Venom

Fear not(there is nothing to fear)
for I'm with you, do not look around
you in terror and be dismayed, for I'll
strengthen and harden you to difficulties,
yes I'll help you.

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  yesterday I was at the finale of the apostolic invasion of Apostle Johnson Suleiman. I must admit that it was a great program with the lords presence so rich and complete. At the peak of the program, he said 'everyone hold the hands of your neighbor' I bet you I became scared a little bit because of the lady who sat down beside me; She had severe cold and she kept sneezing on her handkerchief. you can imagine what went through my mind "Corona Virus". I started confessing God's word immediately because the devils fear tried to choke me.

   Fear may sound like an ancient English word because of the consistency of its appearance in books and articles over centuries. One meaning of the word is to take flight. Joyce Meyer said, when we use the phrase 'Fear not' in a very real sense we are saying 'Don't run from it. Do not try to hide from it. Just meet it head on, even when you'd rather not.

To fulfill your destiny and radically become all that God wants you to be; you would need to overcome that vamparous demon that subjugates itself as just merely a feeling. The parasitic disturbing presence of fear has ended the live of some before the object of their fear struck. All that is envisioned at moments of high-ranging storm is the growth of fear that stings us and causes disruption to our dense quietude and peace. we begin to loose our dreams and go for little isolated dreams. 

The fear of Corona virus would kill more than the virus itself. You've got to be strong through this tense periods. God would see you through and his word would help you go through all your battles!!


Wednesday 11 March 2020

Moving Beyond a Major Crisis

 In the world, you would have tribulation, trials and distress
but be of good cheer (take courage, be confident, undaunted)
For I have overcome the world for you (I have deprived it
of power to harm you and have conquered it for you).

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Sickness not only humbles a man but it bestows invisible scars on a person. A threatening storm as the loss of  a loved one, sick health, loss of money has a way of redefining our outlook on the way we envision ourselves. As time passes, the storm fizzles or breaks the victim to  a point that they become permanently defined by what has happened. Notwithstanding, you can still move ahead , you can go further than you thought you could. While the storms raise its ugly head and raging eye brow, you can make it by simply being heady and radically stable and tenacious in spirit.

             One major resource we can draw on is God's word; Reading and meditating on the word while staying calm through Yahweh's personal peace his spirit gives. A mans joy, earnestness and peace presents the enemy with a wild stage to watch upon; With that attitude, the enemy is ridiculed and lives the theater of your life for a while. I write for a while because the devil never gives up so you shouldn't even consider such periodic folly.

If you are reading this article with a terrible pain in your body or a health challenge, and you perceive you may not make it. You can make it and you would make it by not giving up. Stubbornly pursue Gods word and I can see you staying strong to the end!!

Tuesday 10 March 2020

5 Cool outfits for choir outlook

I have been researching on attires for choir combinations, these appears outstandingly creative.... Hope it meets your eyes!!

Image result for black polka dots shirts on pink skirts for ladies

Image result for black polo combination with jean jackets for men


Image result for black polo combination with jean skirts for ladiesImage result for black polo combination with jean jackets for men


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Monday 9 March 2020

Redifintion of my Blog

Hello guys,
       It's been over three years I came up here and really its been such a long time. Things have changed and a lot has happened that has changed my life forever. Time is a fantastic little bell that reminds us that we have but few seconds and minutes that hinges us all up to the world. Notwithstanding, we all are going to face really tough and hard situations that would try immensely to cripple our very being. Initially we would begin by cringing and folding our feet to hide miles away from what has come to temper with the innate peace we once had. subtly, our inner conquerors spirit would plunge out big time to aid us withstand it all; but the question is would we help it or kill that voice that is ready to help us stand firm and tough.

     welcome back to Minka's blog. I would be redefining every detail of my blog this new year; Topics would range from things that would make you laugh and cry almost at the same time. Create time and visit every evening and remain inspired!!!

Depression sounds like a calm expression, but it is a word that has affected thousands of young people in the 21st generation....