I believe without reasonable doubt that all education does is create room for "specialization". This I believe in isolation of primary, and secondary school education where every child should be encouraged to go. All the crap about education having the extreme power to bring about remarkable change has proved futile to me. "What's education, how far can education change a man, what possible bearing has it created to salvage man from deeming thoughts, why hasn't racism evolved? It doesn't change after 200 years of different men in classrooms. Even with a black man as president, It may have gone worse. The Black man may just be an experiment in space.
Minka okim
Welcome to Minka's blog,, Here You gonna get info on Religious Extremism; Conservative Christians, the liberal ones, Islamic Extremism. Gender Analysis, poems, Short stories and News items. I hope You make my blog your Tourist center. Thanks already.
Wednesday, 28 September 2016
Question of the day
Tuesday, 27 September 2016
Broken words.
Broken words,
A shattered heart
Staring minds
Unfullfillment, pain and hurt
That's absurdity.
When life brings it's baggage,
Thereupon we loose our strength to speak. Some remain damaged and all that is left seems to be broken words.
Minka okim
Sunday, 25 September 2016
What about social media abuse?
Social media abuse isn't a feminine issue as the men may get around it. it's everyone's problem because so many have been misled by the ongoing struggle to be relevant. We all wanna sell ourselves out no matter the pay: As far as the world is gonna scream at our individuality. But really, how often do we all realize that the social media got nothing to do with who a person is, it got nothing to deal with the strength of character a person possess..Do you think that the makeup and clothes our top celebrities put on reflects the serenity they have, you have been misled. Its basic camouflage of the personality of a person. I do not bash the development of social media because am sure its done more good than harm, all I do is examine how far one can go to acquire these material possessions over the major deal.
We loose ourselves one basic way or the other. We then try to be other people because you become discontented with who you really are. Further, we loose the true juice of living just for acquiring fame, beauty, class and friends. I have met ladies who are ready to spend their whole doe constantly getting items in vogue. For what reason you may ask: simply to be in vogue, and to display class. No one cares about what's inside the bottle no more, as long as you are popular on the social media that's got to be all for you.
It's difficult when you find people who have absolutely nothing posing so confidently in front of properties owned by people just to put it up on: instagram, facebook, twitter, and the rest. What about finding out who you really are...not with the makeup, friends, and the world..I Mean discovering yourself with or without people around. Read voraciously, ask questions, travel wide and help those who have no hope of living: then you have lived.
Friday, 23 September 2016
Poem of the day.
I would say goodbye
When evening smiles
When the night breathes
And when the noon comes after night.
I would say farewell
When my heart speaks
When my hands fly
And when my eyes yawn
Never has this by chance
Neither shall I.
Minka okim
Thursday, 22 September 2016
Let's Talk about "why men act the way they act"
I do not intend to bore you with theories about why men act the way they do...so I choose to go straight to the point. society. yea, society makes them act the way they do. There's something about society and it's already paved ways. A person is born and has to be totally structured in line with what's suppose to be. The moment you chose to deviate, you then become an aberrant, an unrepentant deviant. This could likely be the problem of a lot of men if not all: "Boys don't cry, boys don't help out with feminine chores, boys throw out the trash can, boys defend their territory, boys are egoistic and strong, boys got to do this, boys got to do that. In that atmosphere the boy grows up into an already hybridized robot, he is already fixated with what ever society has put up for him. Suddenly, he becomes a grown man who has lost all connection with his emotions, that which makes him sensitive to societal happenings. He hears the drum beat once again "As a man you got to work your ass out that's the way it has always been, you got to hold up to familial responsibilities. Family would say "guy you have 10 siblings to look out for their welfare". The church body would say "brother, there's this project that's been going on for quite sometime, you got to sow in. Your friends would be like "why stick to one woman, as a man you are entitled to cheat, cheat my dear. And if the man is wise enough, he would ask "why should I cheat?. The office world then comes with its own worldly competition. U Got to outsmart others to get up there.
Do not get me wrong, I am not saying that being a man doesn't come with its responsibilities. It absolutely does. But all I say is "so many men loose themselves trying to fit in". He realizes societal impact when he has lost his connection with his kids. It's no longer words but short mumblings.
Wednesday, 21 September 2016
I hate poetry
I hate poetry,
It brings out the best in me.
It's deep and full of life
And to write, I tap into hidden worlds.
It could be the reason I craze for the arts:
Deep, sullen, imaginative, honest, driven and me a pathological lover of words may die without its existence.
Minka okim
Monday, 19 September 2016
What has religion got to do 3
Few days ago, I attended a Sunday service where an anointed woman of God preached. So, as she preached she continually raised her voice which is supposed to be common among preachers who have been so taken away by the spirit. I began to hear whispers around me critiquing the fact she raises her voice. Really, I thought "if a male preacher raises his voice it's gonna be okay, it's just gonna be referred to as the structural normality of his manhood". rubbish.
I think women raising their voices in public places is not a feminist issue but a fem-masc issue. The reason being that it's not just a problem for the men alone but the women. For the women who have problems with other women raising their voices in public places to emphasize what they feel have kept quiet for so long so it's strange when others deviate. Right in the church we still have traditionalists who believe that a woman should be conservative, soft-spoken, tender, reserved, fake, a pleasure to a man and men alone. It's a pity that Mary-Magdelene screamed twice in the scripture "he's alive, Jesus has risen, He's alive. The woman with the Alabaster box of oil isn't properly identified but in the presence of men "she washed the feet of my lord with her tears. If the woman was supposed to be quiet why did she defy the gathering of men to kiss the feet of my lord. What about the woman jesus met at the well in Samaria, she screamed; "you all, come and see a man who told me everything about myself". Finally, what about the woman who was to be stoned, jesus saved her immensely and brought down the the structural normality of the man's power over the woman. Why should the woman be stoned? where was the man in the picture.
No one can change the hands of time. No one can change the wave of the annointing of the Holy Spirit. If the lord is making use of women thanks be to he Who has defyed what men thought was normal, and he has picked up the stone which the builder rejected. Think on these things.
Sunday, 18 September 2016
Thought for the day.
Following people is error in judgement, for that associate that takes you away from the lord continually would meet him shortly, and you might be left wondering about the immense power of redemption.
Minka okim
Friday, 16 September 2016
Poem of the day
I discovered me in silence.
A silence that happens in extreme isolation. An isolation that pierces the rough edges of the soul leaving it bruised. In that moment, I wanted more; we would all want more. I then groaned for strength that could surpass that of the Gazelle. It took time, but Light quickly steeped in. I just couldn't help but find myself, we all would do! You can.
Minka okim.
Poem of the day.
They say love is patient,
It's kind, gentle, pure, not full of itself.
It's not jealous, wicked, and full of lies.
I ask, how many then have truly loved?
For my love has lacked the true juice of strength.
Minka okim
Thursday, 15 September 2016
The tyranny of makeup and female Authenticity.
I strongly believe commentary on makeup and it's abuse should be handled by ladies alone. This I say because men can't and would never understand the insecurities a woman faces in the absence of its application. All they may say is "I cannot marry a woman who makes excessive use of makeup and lacks the self confidence". So, silence on this issue might be best. Last week, after Hillary Clinton's performance on NBC, Reince Priebus chairman of the Republican National committee, took to twitter to chastise her for not smiling. What crap? After they would say gender discrimination is a thing of the past. She frowned and so?
A longtime ago, definition of beauty and it's meaning appears to have been different from what applies today. Recently, a reasearch was carried out, and 400 women of which 15% of women said they had some sought of plastic surgery. The major cause of its spread a lot may not be aware of. Does it have to do with the tyranny of the society against women. In the African society of which I am solely a part of, a lot of men find their wives unattractive as soon as she tastes the juice of motherhood. You know what I mean. How often does this affect the esteem of women. Could this be the reason women undergo surgery. How could this be? when younger women around ages 20-30 engulf their bodies in it.
Fashion has been said to be self-expression, while makeup is self-absorption. The act of immersing yourself so widely into its extreme power to a level that existing without it brings about dislocation from reality. Someone said, when women start applying makeup as pre-teenagers, she said "by adulthood, that mindless habit can result in a mask we do not even know we're wearing until Alicia Keys decides to remove hers in public. I do not criticize it's application but I disdain it's pernicious ability into the destruction of a woman's definition of what beauty really is.
We all have choices to make, and no one has the right to put you through what makes you happy and what doesn't. Happiness is relative and so are ones choices. Putting on makeup and absorbing yourself in it happens to be your choice and no one else. If makeup makes you feel confident than you do; then do it. But if it makes you feel less of who you are, take out that time to discover who you are. What drives you. What makes you happy. Life is too short to scrabble in things that doesn't make sense. Take a deep breath and realize that you are damn beautiful. With or without makeup you are just it...you always win. Strong and macho you can withstand shit.
Tuesday, 13 September 2016
Donald Trump could be scared!!
Dear readers,,
I wanna say thank you for your effort in clicking my links. But what do you all think about Donald Trump's sudden effort to reshape the presidential race due to Hillary's absence. He took Hillary's absence to press his case against ferocity. A lot of people feel his approach got to be more political than personal. Really, I doubt it...could he be scared of something. Does he think doing all that could promote his chances in the race.
Some things you may not know about the IPhone7
Dear Iphone users,,
I got the extract from the Newyorktimes. It might be important to you in your decision for purchase.
While it is irritating not to have an audio jack — Apple nixed the 3.5 millimeter port to make room for faster chips, better batteries and to make the iPhone water-resistant — and the older physical home button feels better to press than the new virtual one, the new iPhones deliver on Apple’s promises.
The iPhone 7 and 7 Plus are tremendously fast — more than double the speed of the two-year-old iPhone 6 — and their cameras produce superb, vivid photos. The battery life is improved, and the iPhones survived water torture tests.
So while the new iPhones have great cameras, I wouldn’t let that drive your buying decision. If you prefer a larger screen for reading and watching videos, consider the 7 Plus, but if you prefer something easier to carry in a pocket and type on using one hand, go for the 7. (The iPhone 7 has a 4.7-inch screen; the 7 Plus has a 5.5-inch screen.)
Lastly, Apple made changes to the new iPhones to improve durability. The iPhones are designed to be water-resistant. In my tests, they survived a swim in a water pitcher. The physical home button was replaced with a force-sensitive virtual one. It remains to be seen if the new home button will be more durable. In the past, one of the first components to wear out on older iPhones was the home button.
Society has more to do with masculinity.
When a question like do women have it better than men comes up...I wonder what the intention of the audience maybe. The answer might be that women have it better than men, and it is the fear of such an answer that keeps men nervously posing the question in the first place. It's like me throwing a question that goes "am I a woman". why should I throw such a question when I am solely aware that I am a woman due to my biological makeup. So, when men throw that question it only shows that they may be scared of something.
Freud ascribed to women a problem he called "penis envy". I've become aware that the feelings, and motives I ascribe to others tell me little about them but much about myself, for I am projecting my own feelings and motives into them. What about ascription and projection...so, Freud may have been suffering from "womb envy".
My question seems really easy, what has the male fox ever derived by reducing the status of women in our society. Really, I do not believe women have it more than men. In various ways they have it very bad indeed. They are raped, battered, abandoned to bring up their kids in obscurity. If Freud one of the world's greatest psychologists could reduce the problem of women to "penis envy" then what else do we have to say.
Our little male kids have been made to believe in male power and rights which ends up devaluing women. They are taught not to wash plates, sweep around, or help their sisters with feminine chores. Whats that?. Why can't they help their mom in the kitchen?. I think the best of men are those that balance the emotional and the physicality of their existence.
Donald Trump presses case due to Hillary Clinton's absence.
Due to Hillary's absence, Donald Trump has taken an effort to reshape the presidential race on monday. Mr.Trump, the Republican nominee has largely with elderly comment about Clinton's health, showing uncharacteristic restraint after her campaign announcer she had pneumonia, he took Mrs.clinton's unexpected absence from public view as an opportunity to press his case for ferocity.
Monday, 12 September 2016
What we would say about Hillary's doctors report.
Nigeria would always be my dream country....I would tell you why. After Hillary tripped while waiting for her official car to collect her. following what happened, her doctor confirmed She got pneumonia. If that happened in Nigeria, guess what we will say..."Trump has finally visited a juju priest and has inflicted Hillary with this malady". No one here is Ready to calm down and find out what's the fact., truth seems but a mirage to a whole. Life may seem easier because we are ready to point our accusing fingers at the gods.
Former President Jonathan Wish Muslim Faithfuls Happy Eid-El-Kabir
Former President Goodluck Jonathan, today took to his twitter page to wish Muslim faithfuls in Nigeria a happy Eid-El-Kabir celebration.
The moment you venture into the male dominated world, "You are termed a bitch"
What's the deal in being termed a "Bitch". But really, what woman cares being called a bitch when she's Hillary Clinton. I better be a bitch and Hillary than be a woman who chooses to wield being liked that is no longer integral to a woman's makeup. Whats wrong in refusing to give up a thriving law profession after your husband becomes governor. It's bitchy to do that!! a few chauvinistic men would say..." how can a woman have the gut to secure a career when her husband has being put in a place of influence. It becomes worse when she infuriates house wives across the nation with a dismissive reference to baking cookies.
Finally, our race has finally rendered gender and sexism a major factor in leadership..for more than 20 years in American politics Mrs. Clinton has embodied what we might call Classic bitch. She's perceived an interloper who challenges or threatens masculinity entitlements and a status-quo worldview-Newyork times. Why wouldn't she be termed Bitch when she aggrevates their longstanding discomfort with a woman whose power isn't situated within the private spheres of marriage and family.
If you feel uncomfortable about Clintons immense decision then you are guilty...call her a bitch and you may as well be a scoundrel.
Sunday, 11 September 2016
Memory of the sacrifice made in September 11
Today happens to be the day that thousands of souls were lost to uncontrolled terrorists who deem themselves redeemers of a lost nation.
I do not feel horror but a deep sense of sorrow. I didn't lose anyone there but kids over my age ended their dreams in disaster. Fifteen years on, what happened there would still influence our very existence. My heart goes out to the families who lost loved ones, friends and people who meant the world to them. No one can ever understand pain until when kissed by its rough edges. I ponder today on the enormity of the loss, and what America may have turned out to be without its impact. But what we have to do is build a better world, worthy of the sacrifice of the lost souls.
Wednesday, 7 September 2016
Bobrisky: One way to shut up Bobrisky...
I took up to reading an article yesterday, and it was talking about the divergent nature of the teachings of our religious leaders and what is being practiced today. He said "jesus never mentioned gays or abortion but he focused on the sick and the poor, yet some christian leaders have prospered by demonizing gays". Apology to the person that wrote it up but am certain he didn't do enough research. What about the issue in Sodom and Gomorrah...wasn't it because of sexual relationships between same sex. Jesus didn't have to elaborate on issues about abortion because it is written "thou shall not kill" so you would be talking or writing a lot of grab if you approach this topic that way.
I do not mean to Criticize anyone, but I must speak the truth...that guy may be having some issues we may not be aware of. But it continually baffles me when I see the way the social media handles the issue. The only way to stop this guy from messing around is silence. I mean total silence. A silence that may pass for isolation. The more people keep answering and poking fingers into his face he would continue to feel he's Kanye or Jay-Z. I do not care if it's based on his personal freedom, all I care about is the wrong messages he is passing to really young ones....
Tuesday, 6 September 2016
Feminism and mutation
Dear feminists,
Being liberal as a woman doesn't mean being vulgar about your opinions. There has to be something conservative about the way you think. What about morality? You stamping your opinions on social media about loose sex does not seem right. Why should a woman be loose with her body, why must we express how we feel sexually? Some would say why shouldn't we be loose when the male gender is...let me ask a question "must we be stupid inorder to prove that we may just be as equal". The main reason why a woman and a man can't be totally equal is because of our biological discrepancies. Accept or leave it. We can match up with men intellectually and otherwise...but the moment a woman says I want to go out bare chested because men do, she is nuts, I mean totally nuts. If you are angry about something, please take it somewhere else and stop sharing your ideas on the media; cos of really young girls who may embrace your stupid and dead ideas as an escape route from doing right.
What I need in a man...
Early this week I heard someone say "I do not need a man who can't take care of me, who can't settle my needs". I was really stunned because I thought we must have gone way pass our dependence on men to supply all we need. Really, I do not want a man with all the money in the world, I do not need a man with items that may attract my fancies. I do not need someone who would dance at me with cash that may last for enternity. All I need is a good man, one who fears the lord, one who is potentially able to take care of my needs. One who may not have all but is able to give the little he has to me. I may need the cash, the houses, the fanciful stuff but I need a heart that I could hold on to until death's ugly face prevails.
Monday, 5 September 2016
Now, that's religion _ Nicholas Kristof
It's not the bureaucracy that inspires me, or doctrine, or ancient rituals, or even the most glorious cathedral, temple or mosque, but rather a Catholic missionary doctor in Sudan treating bomb victims, an evangelical physician achieving the impossible in rural Angola, a rabbi battling for Palestinians' human right- they fill me with an almost holy sense of awe. Now, that's religion.
Nicholas Kristof
Sunday, 4 September 2016
Top reasons to know you are a conservative Christian.
Conservative Christians would cover their hair, abstain from make-up, wear clothes that could sweep the ground...making judgements at people may just be a religious obligation. They put up this sanctimonious behaviour inorder for people to think they are prayer warriors when they can't even last 5mins. Some may think the ultimate prayer is "our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name"...you can put it together. Studying the Bible seems absurd to them because they think they are moving bibles. If they do, they end up attributing high philosophies to judge the authenticity of the purity of the word. In the face of violence, they sit rooted in one place trying hard to avoid topics related to terrorism and all inorder not to be contradicted. They may even judge Martin Luther or Ghandi for the use of non-violent means to pacify violence. Others would say they should have waited on the Lord to bring judgement on the people causing hard times. As long as nothing affects them "they would continually remain at peace in Zion". If there's news about massive destruction, they would ask "where!!! is it coming any way close to us" and when they answer comes "it's happening in Arabia, France" a sigh of relief is taken by them and they spit out "all is well". What about tithing and offering..you are gonna hear comments like "why would I pay my tithe when that pastor has 20 private jets" it doesn't cross their minds that this pastors have been automatically blessed by God. Heaven and hell seems more like a mirage to them. Some may say it's an illusion, why hasn't the Lord paid a visit to the earth over decades.
You may never see God as-long-as you stick on as a conservative material.
Saturday, 3 September 2016
Does Donald Trump stand a chance with his rapid change on racial insensitivity.
Someone once said that 4 months is a lot of time to change a lot of things in American politics. Trump who has campaigned for president as a blunt provocateur, dismissing complaints of racial insensitivity as political correctness, took an uncharacteristic step on Saturday: He visited a black church for the first time and tried to blend in.
Trump may have certainly become wiser in order to get for himself votes from the black community. But I may ask what sought of transformation can make a typical racist who has disliked blacks from the start suddenly take on an impressive turn. His company has even been charged against the discrimination of blacks. In remark he said:
“I fully understand that the African-American community has suffered from discrimination and that there are many wrongs that must still be made right,” Mr. Trump said, adding: “For any who are hurting: Things are going to turn around. Tomorrow will be better.”
There must be something more political about his rapid change than a part on sincerity. I may accept "4 month is a really long time in American politics to change a lot of things".
Letter to an Extremist...
I was going through the New York times yesterday, and I came across this article that talks about the recent plight of the Muslims in France. This women talked about exactly how they feel about the recent happenings: the ban on burkini, and being asked to go back home. The post highlights their recent plight in a letter extracted from their comments.
Dear extremists,
I do not know who you are. I do not know where you are, but I sincerely hope you read this letter. I am in pain deeper than you would ever feel. I have lost all that means the world to me; my peace, my joy, my happiness, my soul, my confidence but I haven't lost my connection with the spirit of the world, so I write. I know that you may have forgotten what it means to love and be loved but please take out time to read this. Right now am being sent away from the only place I regard as home. I am utterly confused at being told to live because I do not know where home is anymore. Recently, Anti-Muslim bias has intensified after the attacks on Charlie Hebdo in Paris and Nice this year. I do not know how to put up with dirty looks and remarks no more.
I am a woman who has been refurbished out of the activities of men. The way people looked at us has changed. "Tongues have loosened....No one is afraid of telling a Muslim to go back home. Now I can't put on what I want anymore because our modern world thinks tanning naked is accepted but keeping clothes on at the beach isn't. This reminds me of my first days in high school after French law banned the hijab in schools. My teacher forced me to take off my headscarf in front of all the other pupils. I stood humiliated. Today my heart is broken again. I just looked at the woman taking off her clothes, and asked myself, when will all these end. I am insulted, spat on everyday in the subway, on the bus, at school. Yet, I have never insulted or hit someone. No! Am just a Muslim. But being it makes me cry at night. I do not know who you are, I do not know where you stay, I do not know if you sleep at night.
I am a Muslim and a woman who wants to remain covered. I was curious to see if in the cities where they forbade women in Burkini's, dogs could swim. Personally, I am scandalized that dogs can have more right than a scared woman. To me, wearing a veil does not seem being enslaved by a man. But if the whole world thinks so, then who am I. They talk about integration. Even if we make every effort and try to be 'integrated' we are constantly reminded that to be properly and completely integrated we must give up our principle and our religion. To be a Muslim woman in France is to live in apartheid of which the beach bans are the latest.
I have tears in my eyes, I have been wounded and I know that I may never be the same. My heart is 100 percent French, but it seems like I have to prove my Frenchness and with everything going on, I am tired of justifying my identity. Extremist, why are you causing us so much harm and pain. Have you taken out time to realize that we are gonna die eventually. I may be sent home anytime from now but can you feel my pain. Can you see that you have been misled. Can you see that the world is bright right in front of you. There's time dear extremist. There's a reason to smile truly. There's the world to be uncovered.
Yours sincerely
French Muslim women.
Thursday, 1 September 2016
Looking out for the solar of the sun....
I have been on my bed all day staring outside my window, patiently waiting for the solar Eclipse. Every little change in the weather makes me shudder with fright. Although, the distance makes me feel that it may never happen. For I ask myself, how can the moon pass between the sun and earth, and the moon fully or partially blocks the sun. Ah, I feel the earth is going to pick up legs and take a walk into enternity. This makes me feel a tightening in my stomach that could pass for a phobia. Let it pass soon.
Depression sounds like a calm expression, but it is a word that has affected thousands of young people in the 21st generation....

In Nigeria, everyone is happy. Totally happy. Extraordinarily satisfied and eyes fixed up for a brighter tomorrow. Imagine, "we laugh a...
Dear students, The moment you sign up to be a student in Nigeria, you become trapped. I do not mean been trapped literally but...